Young star mobbed by Italian fans months after winning TV contest
Success should never change anyone, 11-year old singer and Ti Lascio Una Canzone winner Federica Falzon tells Sunday newspaper Illum.

By Jean Pierre Cassar
2014 is proving to be quite the year for 11-year old singer Federica Falzon. Not only did she win RAI Uno’s Ti Lascio Una Canzone, but she has also been chosen to represent Malta at this year’s Junior Eurovision Song Contest.
Sunday newspaper Illum interviewed her to find out how she has taken to this sudden fame.
“I would be lying if I were to say that my life hasn’t changed these past few months,” Federica said. “Last June, I visited Isola Capo Rizzutto in Calabria, Italy, and people stopped the car I was in to speak to me and take photos with me.”
She added that “at the end of the day though, I am still the same Federica as I was before I became successful. While my friends are very happy for me, they are still treating me as they have always done, which is how it should be.”
“Success should never change anyone,” she said as she turned to her immensely busy schedule throughout the duration of Ti Lascio Una Canzone.
“My parents and I would fly up to Rome every Thursday. I would head down to RAI’s studios for rehearsals right after arriving at the hotel. I’d have further reheasarals on Friday and on Saturday before the programme,” Federica said.
“On Sunday at night, we would return to Malta and on Monday I would go back to school. That same evening, we would receive confirmation that we would be going back up to Rome that week. On Tuesday I would receive the songs that I would have to learn by Thursday.”
Read the full interview in this Sunday’s edition of Illum