Broadcasting Authority lends helping hand to audiovisual archiving initiative
Collaborative agreement between Broadcasting Authority and M3P foundation will help digitize Malta’s audiovisual material.

The Broadcasting Authority has signed a collaborative agreement with the M3P Foundation for the curation of audiovisual material. This collaborative agreement covers the collection, archiving, preservation and digitization of audio-visual material for release to the public domain especially audio-visual material copyrighted and owned by the Broadcasting Authority and on which the Authority holds part or full Intellectual Property Rights.
Over the years, the Authority has amassed a wealth of audio-visual media content some of which is more than 50 years old. Such material needs to be urgently digitized so as to ensure that this is not lost as a result of ageing and through the non-availability of the technical platforms that were used to originate such content.
The Chairman of the Broadcasting Authority, Anthony J. Tabone, said that through this collaborative agreement the Broadcasting Authority will be in a better position to develop its archives, both historical and current.
This will be done through an open repository, which will be made available to the general public. While the audio-visual material held by the Authority will be preserved, access will be through the digitisation process that will be collaboratively done with the M3P Foundation.
On the other hand, Toni Sant said that the M3P Foundation greatly appreciates the support of the Broadcasting Authority. The M3P Foundation tries to preserve the cultural legacy of the Maltese nation through its expression in Maltese music and associated arts, including broadcasting.
While advocating awareness of Malta’s cultural heritage, empowering original artistic expression and safeguarding our cultural heritage requires continuous promotion and development to increase access by the general public.
The M3P Foundation was officially launched during the Notte Bianca: Lejl Imdawwal on 25 September 2010 with the aim of providing an inclusive repository of Malta’s music and associated arts, ensuring that these are kept in posterity for current and future generations.
The foundation has already received support from the Malta Council for Culture & the Arts, the National Archives of Malta, and by the University of Hull where Toni Sant, founder and president of the M3P Foundation, is a Reader in Digital Curation, and Director of Research at the School of Arts & New Media.