Farsons Foundation donates Baroque violin to Teatru Manoel
Vital for world-class ensemble to have authentic baroque instruments which are rare and expensive
Farsons Foundation has donated a baroque violin to VIBE (Valletta International Baroque Ensemble) the resident ensemble of the Festival.
The donation was accepted on their behalf by Ray Attard, Teatru Manoel’s CEO. Teatru Manoel produces the Valletta International Baroque Festival and manages VIBE, a professional Maltese ensemble based locally, with the ambition to be recognised nationally and respected worldwide.
The Festival’s Artistic Director, Kenneth Zammit Tabona, stated, “VIBE was set up as part of the Baroque Festival’s legacy. It seeks to perform works from the Renaissance and Baroque periods using instruments from the period, basing their performances on historical evidence and practice.”
The Farsons Foundation is a non-profit social purpose organisation set up by the Farsons Group in 1995 through which it carries out its corporate social responsibility towards all stakeholders and the wider community. “Investing in our heritage is a major focus of the Foundation and we are extremely pleased to be making this valuable donation of a much-needed baroque instrument to this initiative which is successfully firming Malta’s position on the global cultural map”, stated Arthur Muscat representing the Farsons Foundation.
In response, Ray Attard stated that, “In order to create a world class ensemble it is vital to have authentic baroque instruments which are rare and expensive so we are particularly grateful to the Farsons Foundation to have helped us make this investment. He continued to emphasise the importance of partnerships between the corporate and cultural sectors in order for such entities as Teatru Manoel to fully capitalise on and invest in the huge potential that Malta offers in terms of artistic talent and potential”.
VIBE have just given two very successful concerts during the past festival. Their next concert will be on Friday 22nd April 2016. For more information go to www.teatrumanoel.com.mt.