'Stella u Leone' musical postponed
Ministry for Gozo says the musical 'Stella u Leone' is postponed due to the prevailing weather forecasts.
The Lejlet Lapsi-Notte Gozitana organising committee within the Ministry for Gozo, said that due to the prevailing weather forecasts, the musical 'Stella u Leone' which was to be performed this evening at the Villa Rundle at 8pm has been postponed.
This musical based on the script by Gozitan poetess Mary Meilaq, will now be presented at 8pm on Sunday 3 June at the Villa Rundle.
The committee added it regrets any inconvenience and thanked all those who participated and attended the varied events held over this weekend in Gozo.

Exactly what producers would be risking if they tried to put up any production in the roofless theatre.