Valletta 2018 undergoes ‘cultural mapping’ consultation
The Valletta 2018 Foundation will be holding a series of public consultation meetings in connection with the Cultural Mapping Project.

The project seeks to generate information and analysis on the use of spaces for cultural purposes. Direct project deliverables include (i) a map of each locality in Malta and Gozo, based on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology and (ii) an analysis of contemporary cultural activity in relation to the use of these same spaces.
The first phase of the project, which included the mapping of cultural places and spaces through GIS, will be completed in the coming weeks. To this end, the Foundation is holding public consultation meetings to review the data that has been collected by the University of Malta and submit feedback. The second phase of the project will include the uploading of maps accessible to the public online at no charge.
Members of the public and local non-governmental organisations are encouraged to take part in these consultation meetings which will contribute towards an accurate database of cultural spaces. The Valletta 2018 Foundation will be receiving feedback and comments on the data collected per region up to 15 days after each meeting.
The meetings will be held as follows:
Meeting 1 – Southern Region 02/10/2014 – 17:15 – Siggiewi Local Council Premises
Meeting 2 – Gozo Region 09/10/2014 17:15 ‘Banca Giuratale’, Ir-Rabat, Għawdex
Meeting 3 – Open for all 11/10/2014 09:00 Mosta Civic Centre, 3rd Floor
Meeting 4 – Northern Region 14/10/2014 18:00 Mosta Civic Centre, 3rd Floor
& Central Region
Meeting 5 – South Eastern Region 28/10/2014 17:30 Paola Local Council- Council Hall
Maps will be discussed during the public consultation meetings. As from the 2nd October 2014, these maps will be available for download from the Valletta 2018 Foundation website Comments or feedback are to be sent to [email protected], subject title ‘Cultural Mapping Public Consultation’.