Austrian theatre founder hired as V18 advisor
Airan Berg will work with V18 Foundation on 'overall artistic aspect with rgeards to the international dimension of the programme'

The Valletta 2018 Foundation has appointed Airan Berg, an Austrian with experience in the theatre business, as International Artistic Advisor.
In a statement, the V18 said that Berg will work with the Foundation on the “overall artistic aspect with regard to the international dimension of the 2018 programme in line with its narrative”.
He will advise the Chairman of the Foundation and collaborate and work with the Executive Director, the Programming Coordinator and the team in order to consolidate the level of quality, enhance the European dimension, and contribute ideas to the co-development of artistic projects.
Airan Berg was born in Tel-Aviv in 1961, is of Austrian nationality, and has lived in Vienna, Mannheim and Istanbul.
His career highlights include founding and managing the Theater ohne Grenzen and the International Puppetry Festival for Adults, Die Macht des Staunens, between 1993-2001, the artistic direction of the Schauspielhaus Vienna between 2001-2007, the artistic direction for performing arts at Linz2009: European Capital of Culture, and since 2010 the development of large scale participatory projects in Istanbul, Singapore, Mannheim, Brussels, Lecce and Maastricht.