Josanne Cassar

Josanne Cassar

Josanne Cassar's field is communications – and over the last 30 years she has worked in every single medium, from radio and television as a producer/scriptwriter and presenter to the equally interesting world of journalism and publishing. Until 2011 she was the deputy/features editor of The Malta Independent and the editor of I DO weddings magazine.

Articles by this author
Not a very happy Workers’ Day if you are earning one euro per hour
Josanne Cassar
It is all very well to celebrate Workers’ Day with crowds of people dressed in red, but what is the Labour Government actually doing for the downtrodden worker being treated...
When it all starts crumbling down…
Josanne Cassar
As soon as the news hits the headlines and the public voices legitimate, justified concerns, the authorities automatically go on the defence with a knee-jerk response