Josanne Cassar

Josanne Cassar

Josanne Cassar's field is communications – and over the last 30 years she has worked in every single medium, from radio and television as a producer/scriptwriter and presenter to the equally interesting world of journalism and publishing. Until 2011 she was the deputy/features editor of The Malta Independent and the editor of I DO weddings magazine.

Articles by this author
Let the real truth come out
Josanne Cassar
A new development in Egrant-gate seems to indicate we are seeing an end in sight to this inquiry which continues to haunt the Muscat administration almost a year after the...
Are children being deprived of their childhoods?
Josanne Cassar
The homework debate is one that has long been raging in Malta, and is one of those vicious circles which have never been resolved: teachers claim parents expect it, parents claim...
Turning equality into a gender battle will backfire
The story of an unlicensed parker says it all
Domestic violence: Whose side are the police on?
Nature is trying to  tell us something
It’s time to make children a priority again
Defining what makes a happy nation
Sexual predators and standing up to the abuse of power
When media bias takes over
Knowing how to read in your mother tongue should not be so hard
In politics, perception is everything
Who sets the agenda and who controls the narrative?
Be careful what you wish for