Josanne Cassar

Josanne Cassar

Josanne Cassar's field is communications – and over the last 30 years she has worked in every single medium, from radio and television as a producer/scriptwriter and presenter to the equally interesting world of journalism and publishing. Until 2011 she was the deputy/features editor of The Malta Independent and the editor of I DO weddings magazine.

Articles by this author
’Tis the season to go shopping
Josanne Cassar
Four ways by which retail business can face off some tough competition
The best thing about the President’s speech
Josanne Cassar
The President’s speech was a much-needed wake up call. Let’s just hope our politicians are not going to hit the snooze button
Shouldn’t you want to work at a place which matches your ethos?
How we created the ‘special little snowflake’ generation
Living the good life…with other people’s money
The widening divide between the haves and the have-nots
Fiddling with the system is a way of life
Water off a duck’s back
No such thing as free
The alarming rise of sexual abuse in Maltese society
The anti-liberal backlash
Deciphering Malta’s interest  in the US elections
When the ‘villain’ becomes the star
Our lives played out for all to see: the future is now