Karl Stagno-Navarra

Karl Stagno-Navarra

Articles by this author
Defendant in attempted murder trial fired shotgun out of fear
Accused says he was assaulted by his aggressors before firing shotgun at them.
Remaining two suspects of bank messenger’s murder to be charged
Further investigations into the murder of a bank messenger in 2000 are reportedly close to bringing the last two suspects before justice, possibly within the next few days.
Former secretary confirms receiving ‘tips’  and ‘donations’ from the Montebellos
Man dies in Marsa stable
Italian meteorologists forecast ‘possibility’ of snow over Malta
Policeman in lucky escape as suspect drives off and drags him with car
Giggs, Neville lose £1.5 million in property company
Business News
Malta-flagged ship catches fire in Crimea
AFM Commander arrives in Doha
Despite charges, Gozo mayors set to contest for PN
Lawrence Gonzi to visit Gozo today amid rising political tensions
New director at GO Plc
Business News
Vulgar remark lands woman with €25 fine
One month jail for man who took 45 minutes to provide home address