Matthew Agius

Matthew Agius

Matthew Agius was Senior Reporter on Law and Court Affairs at MaltaToday from 2014 to 2024. A Legal Procurator and Commissioner for Oaths, Matthew served in the British Army before reading Law at the University of Malta.

Articles by this author
Unlicensed bouncers jailed for two months, fined €1,000 for brutal 2010 beating
Court & Police
Security guard Stephen Catania and 'customer care officer' Bernard Briffa were originally charged with the attempted murder of Luca Di Mauro  and Riccardo Miano
St Paul's Bay man charged with money laundering, drug trafficking after police raid
Court & Police
28-year old Kenrick Sciriha, was arraigned this morning on cannabis trafficking and money laundering charges relating to the proceeds of a criminal enterprise.