Speaker finds Tonio Fenech in breach of privilege

Finance minister in contempt of Labour MP Evarist Bartolo over MFSA investigation into Bank of Valletta’s property fund

Finance Minister Tonio Fenech was found in breach of privilege by the Speaker of the House for accusing Labour MP Evarist Bartolo in parliament of impeding the investigation of the Malta Financial Services Authority into the La Valette multi-manager property fund.

The case now goes for a hearing to the parliamentary committee for privileges.

“Evarist Bartolo was doing his duty when he called on parliament to protect investors. Fenech’s actions just add on to his mistakes and scandals as finance minister. He should resign or be removed by the prime minister, he’s not worthy of occupying the role of a minister,” the Labour party said in a statement.

Bartolo had accused the financial regulator of abdicating its duty in the way it handled the investigations into the property fund. Yesterday, the MFSA fined Bank of Valletta and Valletta Fund Management €350,000 for breaching its investment restrictions. The bank will be appealing the fine.

Bartolo had hit out what he called was a “network of freemasons scratching each other’s backs” when he said the MFSA was not acting on evidence that revealed insider trading.

“There are people who don’t want the MFSA to issue information that will reveal a network of freemasons,” he said of the reports into the investigations being carried out by the MFSA. The regulator is contesting demands to issue the reports to each investor involved in the property fund saga.

Bank of Valletta said it greatly deplored his remarks. “They are both grossly offensive and completely untrue and without foundation,” a BOV spokesperson said.

Anthony Haidon
I like Mazzun's question and I say to this writer 'of course they can nap, they have to build up their strength to be able to fight another day. Right?????? But the real problem is not with some members napping but with the ones who did not wake up. WAKE UP to what's going on in the financial sector. WAKE up to what's going on with the banks, etc., etc.
Is one of the privileges of Members of Parliament to have a nap during a session of the House? http://bit.ly/kIz5OI
Forsi issa nafu min se jidhirlu bid-dmugh niezel m'ghajnejh?? In-nies li nvestew flushom!! Dan il-ministru, li zgur MHUX CUWC MALTI, qed jizloq wahda wara l'ohra, u mieghu nizzel lil kap tieghu ukoll!!!!
Prosit Varist. It is about time the government and the oppositon spokepersons on finance and consumer rights take a similar stand to Varist's. We have had enough connivance (Omerta)
Hoss fl-ilma...warbulu halli jirrizenja :)
Prosit lil Evarit Bartolo ghax inti vera tahdem mhux biss ghal partit glorjuz taghna imma ghal poplu ngenerali kollu. Issa Tonio Fenech m'ghadx baqalu triq ohra ghajr li jkun ragel bizzejjed u jirrezenja ghal menu minn ministru tal-finanzi jekk ghad baqalu xi nitfa zejt f'wiccu. X'fadal johrog izjed fil-konfront ta' Tonio Fenech biex jitlaq minn hemm ghax nahseb li ma fadal xejn izjed u allura ghandu jitlaq minn hemm illum qabel ghada forsi Gonzi ma jahtarx xi CUC MALTI iehor bhala Ministru tal-Finanzi. Tonio inti il-mazra tal-partit tieghek u jekk ma jwarbukx se tgharraqhom il-koll.
When in Government the PL must put back the pride the BOV once enjoyed. We want the Freemasons out of this bloody country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Prosit Evarist. keep it up.
Well done Evarist!!! That's what I call an M.P. doing his duty!!