Lottomatica to bid against Maltco
Italy’s lotteries operator Lottomatica is set to launch a bid to oust Greek giants Intralot from Malta’s gaming scenario.
Speaking in Rome yesterday, Lottomatica’s chief executive Marco Sala stressed that his company is “closely following the Maltese gaming market and is determined to bid against Intralot that operates under the name Maltco.
Maltco’s license to operate lotteries in Malta expires in mid 2012 and expression of interest are soon to be issued by the Maltese government.
According to Lottomatica’s chief executive, the accumulative annual turnover for lotteries, superfive and betting by Maltco exceeds €80 million. Some 250 lotto receivers are licensed to sell the gaming products.

@JGPEM I am sorry but when you insist that Lotto and Super 5 draws should be made by humans, albeit children it just shows that you know nothing about these things. Let us just say that for arguments sake someone freezes or heats up the numbers that wants to be drawn and tells the child to only pick up the cold or hot numbered balls. What do you think now, you see your great idea can be easily manipulated or is that what you want after all. As regards the VAT receipt scam if you want to know how it was done just check the police investigation report, it was a very simple method and it happened due to lack of professionalism and procedures by the old Government run Lotto department. Certainly it would not have happened had Maltco or any other professional company was running this lottery.

@JGPEM mela lil tal pl kollha ghandkom il-caps lock tehel? L-aqwa pampaluni huma tal-pl kollha li irrid jkunu fil-gvern sabiex ikomplu fuq dak li hallew 80 jigifieri sistema korrota imma nies bhalek jaraw ahmar biss forsi gawdejt min xi plot b'xejn jew min dawk il-jobs fejn tmur tippancja mal-gvern u tahdem post iehor. il-verita twega il pl ghadu l-istee dak ta' 70 w 80

Censu caf caf So WHY MALTCO don't USE THE OLD DRAWN like it was years ago by picking orphans girls or boys and draw the numbers by HANDS if they don't have nothing to HIDE I think that they will ACCEPT MY OFFER Don't YOU remember about the draw every month of the RECEIPTS were caught BRIBING so it's not possible for Maltco to do the same thing mikegold117 nahseb li int mintiex tghix Malta ghax l-aqwa pampaluni qed ghidu li Gonzipn SALLAB lil kullhadd barra LILU lil MINISTRIli ALLA JBIEREK wara li ghandhom kollox BXEJN ma STAHAX jiehu 600 ewro zieda u FORSI LILEK UKOLL ghax il bqija hadd ma jaf fejn ser faqbad jaghti rasu

@JGPEM All you have to do in order to put your mind at rest is to call Maltco and they will invite you to go and watch the draw live in the studio like I did. I used to have doubts like you but I can assure you that they are very professional and transparent too, the whole process is audited and checked by LGA Inspectors. On the other hand if you don`t have any trust you have another option which is very simple and it doesn`t cost anything, just don`t play.

@human torch regghet wehlitlek il-caps lock. Tidher li int iddisprat. il-verita twega ghalhekk inhraqt. Bit tghajjir tieghek pjacir lil pn tghamel ghax min jaqra kummenti bhal tieghek jghid li tal-pl ma jinbidlux. Fuq tal-prezzijiet suppost kollox ghandu jorhos mela jghola ftit centezmi. Skond kliemek qed tghid li 70 w 80 konna tajjeb mela bil-wage freeze, dan meta kien hemm il-miljuni fil-kaxxa il-prim kien jghidlna biex nissikaw ic-cintorin, illum tant hawn ghaks lil kulhadd bil-mobajl dak iz-zmien anqas tefon f' kulll dar ma kien hawn iva kellna l-confernce call ghax kont iccempel u tisma xi zewg linji ohra. Ara ha nieqaf hawn ghax ser tghatik xi puplusija w sodod fil-mater Dei skarsi (din vera) l-q

Alex Grech •
why not considering to liberlise the market and let competitors operate in the gaming market, rather than continue this monopoly?!

Fit 80jiet taf x'gawdejt sur imbecilli u servizzi socjali li ghamel il Perit Mintoff u li inthom kontu tivvitaw kontra ja qabda insensittivi u briganti. Int milli jidher xi wiehed min ta Gonzi ta gewwa li qed tpapija sew ghalhekk qed titkellem kif qed titkellem ja coward.
Dalwaqt tinqatalkom iz zejza Mikegold u mbghad oqghod gorr taht il PL fil Gvern ghax jgholli xi haga bi ftit centezmi li inthom qed tghollu mghola s-sema!!!
Missek tisthi tigi hawn u titkellem hekk wara li gibtuna f'dan l'ghaks kollu ja qatta brigandi. Mur habbat bieb bieb ha tara in nies jipreferux il Gvern tat 80ijiet li tipprova tbezza nies int jew lilkom, li qed tisirqu flusna day in day out u hallejtuna minghajr nifs bit taxxi u kissirtu kull kumpanija li kien hawn taghmel il qlieh!!! Dan inthom ghaimltuh u hadt aktar ja mbruljuni u taparsi qaddisin!!!! Ja IPOKRITI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mur saqsihom in nies issa!!!!

@JGPEM mela taht il-pl bihsiebek tpapijja ehh il-verita tal-passat tal-pl twegga u tinsiex l-istess nies ghad hemm. Dan min fejn gibta li l-lottu ser jerga jigi f' idejn il-maltin mela hemm xi pamppallun tal-pl. U tinsiex li Sant barrani kellu bhalla konsulent ghax ghalih il-maltin ma kienx jafdhom lil ghawdxin anqas ministeru w kellu ministru bla portafoll Dak li tridu tal-pl huwa poter biss jekk trid inkopli insemmilek kemm kienu onesti l-istess nies li ghandu l-pl. ps just in case qed tehhilek il-caps lock?

mikegold117 xghamel dan il gvern li TISSIMPATIZZA mieghu int ghax nahseb li qed TPAPPIJA MIEGHU dak li ghamel il PL kollu qerdu impossibli li ma kelliex nies li lesti jiehdu il LOTTO FIDEJHOM Jiena fil MALTCO ma ghandi FIDUCJA XEJN AFFATTU jiena biex il loghob ikun BLA TBABIS irrid li in numri mhux joqodu iduru u jitilaw imma jittellaw bhal ma kienu jitilaw qabel ITELLAWHOM bit TFAL kif qedin illum jista ikun hemm LINGANNI u tal MALTCO JAFU BIZZEJJED XQIED NGHIDu ibqa cert mikegold117 li jekk ikollna gvern laburista il lotto jerga jigi fidejn il Maltin ghax meta Dr GONZI JIDDEJJEN mal Maltin JIDDEJJEN ghalhekk ma jisthix il ministru Dr Tonio Fenech il Maltin iridu ikunu ghalih u veru huma CWIEC u CWIEC ikunu il Maltin Dr Tonio Fenech jekk jergaw ITELLAWK fil parlament

@briky you are right in the deal the jobs should be part of the deal

@Human Torch kemm tinharaq malajr ghax il-verita twegga. Il-problema li ghad hemm l-istess nies fil pl tal-80. Semmi li halla pajjiz bla infrastruttura il-pl fl-80 u hlief nies impjegati mal-gvern u fabbriki li jhallsu bis-soldi ma kienx hawn. Tad-dnub il-mejjet tiftakar biss mil-passat jew kont xi wiehed min dawk li gawdejt. Jekk kien hemm nofs biljun lira fil-kaxxa ghaliex il-pagi kienu daqshekk baxxi jew kullhad bil-karozzi godda kien, iva b'xi skoda tal-magna Vera id-dawl u l-ilma irhass imma ried ikollok dawl u ilma. Insomma trid tkun mazzun bhal dik il-websajt li ghamel il-pl

Why all the talk has to go round the PN or PL ? can we write whether
this company fulfilled her obligations as per agreement with the Government. Can we write above the company employees to safe guard
their jobs. Why we have to waste time attacking this and that, when the
human factor is more important. I hope that when the Government discuss
with any bidding company for this tender, the present employees are

Since there are so many companies operating from Malta and competing against other operators in their own country - why its it that MaltaCo has a MONOPOLY? Should not the market be open to all (or maybe closed to all - but i guess that there is more money in gambling than in Divorce, so PN can choose to be god fearing Christians on divorce but not on gambling)

@Mikegold...instead of poit your finger at an administratio which was lost in the eighties it is better for you to point out the MASS INCOMPETENCES AND THE MASS CORRUPTION that your stupid party in Government has been doing for the last 23 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Missek tisthi issemmi lil Labour tat 80ijiet li halli nofs biljun imfaddlin fil kaxxa ta Malta u li l'Gvern HALI U KORROT tieghek gabha KAXXA MIFQUA BID DEJN TA MALTA GHALINA U GHAL ULIEDNA!!! Dan semmi ja bicca ta aghmi u trux!!! Min sormok nahseb li hiereg il Gold habib!!!!

Seems like corruption does not bother or else you are trying to justify the sleaze under the PN!

Jekk jitla il Partit Laburista u ma jaghmilx inkjesti kontra il-korruzzjoni li saru hawn l-ahhar snin ghalija jista ma jitla xejn. Jien nemmen li hadd ma huwa "above the Law". Irridu naghmlu bhal pajjizi Arab u nitfaw il-habs il-korrotti kollha huma min huma. Malta tfiq biss jekk tispicca il-korruzzjoni. Hawn hafna nies jafu b'hafna abuzi imma jibzaw jitkelmu. Jekk titkellem tigi ivvendikat int u il-familja tieghek. Barra minn hekk jekk int onest, int x'kulur int ghandek timxi u mhux jekk ghandek ziemel tajjeb jew laqi terbah.
Min jaghmel is-sewwa jigi mehheded u jitwarrab.

@mikiegold117 Forsi jekk ikun hemm gvern laburista izomm din il-baqra tal-halib tajjeb biex il-halib taghha nixorbuh ohna u mhux il-Griegi jew it-Taljani u jaghmel x;jaghmel gvern laburista ghara minn dan il-gvern ma jaghmilx zgur ghax qatilna bil-guh dan il-gvern. Forsi inti qed tpappiha tajjeb good luck to you pero' jiena qieghed nghix gurnata b'gurnata u ma nistax naghmel zvaljun. B'ilgi nehilsu minn dan il-gvern halli forsi niehdu r-ruh.

@Human Torch ghal ftit ma jkunx diga tela il-pl u l-komixxin jehodha xi hadd minhom. tghid mhux ahjar nistennew wara l-elezjoni ghax tal-pl kollha onesti mhux hekk. insejt li f'inqas min sentejn ta gvern tal-pl bl-istees deputati tal-illum kemm hargu skandli bie ma nsemmix li ghal TV tal-kulur ridt thallas LM50 w ftakar li ghad hemm l-stess nies fil-pl

MALTCO has served the public very well I thing the Government should give
this company another contract.

Stennew loghba tal commision ohra f'dan il kaz hbieb...Min ser jaghti l-aktar commision ser jiehu il kuntratt il gdid mit 2012...Stennew ha taraw! Aghar min Sqallija gejna!!!