Outbound tourism up 6.7% over June 2010

The number of outbound tourist trips during June totalled 25,917, up by 6.7 per cent over 2010. Total nights spent abroad during the first six months were estimated at 940,286.

In June 2011, 92 per cent of outbound tourists travelled to EU destinations, while a further 8 per cent chose to travel outside the EU. EU trips increased by 3,029 (15 per cent), whereas Non-EU trips declined by 1,412 (40 per cent) when compared to June last year.

Italy and the UK remained the most popular destinations with shares of 32 and 24 per cent of total outbound tourism respectively. Almost all EU markets recorded upward movements, with the exception of the French market which decreased slightly. The largest increase was recorded in the Italian market.

The largest share of outbound passengers were males, which accounted for 53 per cent of the total albeit the marked increase in the number of female tourists. The largest proportion of outbound passengers comprised those aged between 25 and 44, followed by those in the 45-64 age bracket. Same-day visitors increased to 4,932.

Between January-June 2011, total outbound trips recorded by mid-2011 were estimated at 132,489, up by 13 per cent when compared to last year. Trips towards EU countries comprised 89 per cent of the total and stood at 117,884. Non-EU outbound trips registered declines and were estimated at 14,605.

The most popular destination among Maltese tourists was Italy, with the UK coming a close second, with both advancing by 31 and 18 per cent respectively. Trips to EU destinations had an average length of stay of 6.3 nights, while the average for Non-EU countries stood at 13.9 nights.

Male passengers outnumbered females and totalled 75,910. The largest proportion of outbound tourists fell in the 25-44 age bracket, totalling 55,173 and was followed by the 45-64 age bracket (44,166 tourists). A substantial increase was noted in the 45-64 age group. The half-yearly figure for same-day visitors was estimated at 17,319.

Total nights spent abroad amounted to 940,286 and the average length of stay was estimated at 7.1 nights. The majority of outbound tourists made use of collective accommodation while the largest share of trips was carried out for holiday and leisure purposes.

The average length of stay in collective accommodation establishments stood at 5.2 nights, while that recorded for private accommodation was estimated at 10.6. The longest average length of stay was registered in the UK with 7.5 nights. This was followed by Germany with 6.7 nights. Moreover, 82 per cent of tourists chose to go on non-package trips.

The total budgeted expenditure incurred by outbound tourists during the first two quarters of Further information on data: 2011 stood at €118 million, with an average of €126 per night.

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