More women and migrants in skilled jobs needed to sustain pensions

Chamber of Commerce says voluntary third-pillar pension is needed more than ever.

The Chamber of Commerce said a voluntary, third pillar pension and more economic growth will be essential to supplement Malta’s pensions, saying the present numbers “do not add up”.

Retirement in Malta has been raised to 65 and national insurance contributions for both employers and employees were raised to 10%. But Chamber president Tancred Tabone said a third pillar pension would increase incomes for pensioners, and alleviate the burden on the social security system by stimulating private saving.

The Chamber said a compulsory second pillar pension would have serious social and economic implications. “The Chamber is not in a position to consider this alternative until such time that precise details are made known about its possible implementation,” Tabone said.

The Chamber said it was crucial to encourage higher female participation and bring in new labour migrants to fill important gaps in high-value added sectors of the local economy.

“The Malta Chamber has been consistently stating that Malta must place income generation ahead of income distribution. In this regard, it firmly believes that the sustainability of pensions via the first and third pillars needs to be constantly supported by policies aimed at economic expansion.  This would lead to higher employment generation for a better spread of the social security burden,” Tabone said.

Tabone said stakeholders needed a blueprint with clear time-frames and all relevant information, in order to be in a position to plan adequately for the future. “The time-frames will allow both employers and employees to take the necessary steps to fall in line with the necessary changes, as well as to ensure that any commitments entered into are not rendered unsustainable or unaffordable by any policy measure decided upon and announced at a later date.”

He said pension reform was closely linked to sensitive policies such as health, wage indexation, education and other areas that affect business and the economy. “The way forward must be charted in a holistic manner to ensure that the effects on stakeholders are well planned and complimentary rather than conflicting.

“Whilst the reform is underway, conflicting decisions such as policies facilitating early retirement in the public sector, must at all costs be avoided.”

The first stage to solve this problem is to forfeit all the excessive wages and mark up of all the blood suckers we have , including pm , members of parliament, euro parliamentarians, air malta big bosses and the like. Only then you can start talking about sustainablility of the pensions. Money is being sucked out from our pockets.
So the first pillar (our current NI and pay-as-you-go) is not enough and we should rely on the third pillar (voluntary contributions). Thank you, but we are already free to save up what we want. This is not going to solve the problem. We need to address the issue of the second pillar: compulsory earmarked contributions by employers and employees.
Bhal ma dejjem ghedt jien. Naqblu jew le. Irridu nigu bzonn lil dawn l-emigranti li gejjien mill l- Afrika. Il familja Maltija ckienet, b`tali mod li ma tistax tkopri il beneficcji socjali u il pensjonijiet min ghawn u 20 sena ohra. Mhux ser ikun ghawn " work force " ta Maltin bizzejjed li jahdmu u issostnu lil gvern tal gurnata. Jekk nimpurtaw haddiema mill l U.E. tigina iz zalza ghola mil huta, ghax ikunu jafu jithallsu. Bizzejjed tara ezempju kemm qeghdin jithallsu id drivers barranin ta l-Arriva. Jekk niehdu bis serjeta taht skrutinju iebes, u nibdew namalgamaw dawn il bnedmin maghna, inhaddmuhom kif ghandu ikun u mhux nisfruttawhom., jibdew ihallsu il bolla u it taxxi dovuti, biex b`hekk ghanke huma jibdew jahdmu sabiex xi darba ikkollhom il pensjoni u il benefiicji daqsna il Maltin. Fl ahhar mil l-ahhar mhux il gilda hemm differenti mill bojod li jigu ghawn l-ewwel legalment u wara jibqaw ghawn illegalment .
TO STIMULATE PRIVATE SAVINGS.... We need decent wages / Salaries. We pay more than emough in Nationals Insurance. Did you forget the syaing by the Nationalist Opposition under the then God snet Dr E Fenech adami "il-Bolla Balla"? Do you know that there was an increase in this bolla balla, and all we got was a mere €1.16. Did you forget about the rocketed prices in fuel. electricity, gass, buss fares food prices, medical etc ect Do tou now expect us to start eating our finger nails. Why don't you check all those irrefularities such as wehn people do overtime that they are dencently paid? not given a mere hour for hour. The conditions that workers have lost ? the millions spent on things that could wait. The projects that costs at least twice their original price? The benefits that are enjoyed by the CHOSEN FEW The €500 enjoyed by The Mighty Few and the others can't make ends meet. What are you expecting? that we die at our places of work or are you suggesting that the old ages should go to work with walking aids Why don't you suggest that one and all should pay their dues to the Maltese coffers. I belive that if ALL pay their due share the situation in Malta wouldn't be so miserable, and the pensioners can enjoy some decent benefits after given all to this blessed country. Why do the children of the lesser god have to carry all the burdens. Can't you see that The wieght is crushing the lower and middle classes?