Fenech: Moody's downgrade forced by Eurozone instability

Moody's Investors Service said it has cut Malta's foreign-currency and local-currency government bond ratings by a notch and revised the nation's outlook to negative, pointing to economic vulnerabilities and weak debt metrics.

The ratings company lowered the two bond ratings to A2 from A1, leaving the ratings six notches below the coveted Aaa rating.

Noting that Malta's lower medium-term economic growth rates leave it at risk for further economic shocks, Moody's also said that the country has exhibited weak debt metrics for some time.

Any worsening of the euro-area debt crisis could affect Malta's real economy, Moody's added, pointing to the nation's small open economy and its reliance on external demand and tourism.

"The impact of such a possible shock would arise from second-round effects, given that the primary blow would be felt by core European countries, which represent Malta's main trading partners and tourist markets," the firm wrote.

Still, Moody's said it could lift Malta's negative outlook to stable if its economy proves resilient in the face of a large economic shock and if its debt metrics improve.

In a statement, Finance Minister Tonio Fenech said the government “understands” the downgrading, even though Malta still had an ‘A’ credit rating.

“As clearly stated in Moody’s reports, Malta’s country ceilings for bonds and bank deposits are unaffected by today’s rating action and remain at Aaa, in line with the euro area’s ceilings.”

Fenech expressed disappointment that the deteriorating global economic outlook and continued instability in the euro area and their potential adverse impact on Malta’s economy had forced the reclassification “notwithstanding government’s efforts to successfully address the economic crisis and Malta’s continued efforts towards sustainable finances.”

Fenech said Moody’s acknowledged the limited impact on the Maltese economy of the 2008/9 financial crises. He said government had assisted manufacturing companies facing drops in demand, improved the tourism product and postponed deficit reduction targets, saving over 5,000 jobs.

“Malta’s open economy, while resilient in the face of the economic turmoil of the last three years, will always be exposed to international economic realities,” Fenech said.

“Malta has managed to continue to sustain above-EU average growth rates and significantly lower levels of unemployment when compared to our EU partners, because of the various structural reforms that continue to be implemented and the incentives we have given to small business and industry to sustain economic growth.

“So it would be highly imprudent to steer government’s economic and financial management policy away from its current emphasis on continued macroeconomic stability and economic growth,” the finance minister said.

“While taking note of Moody’s concerns, the government is committed to take all necessary actions to strengthen and ensure the country’s economic and financial stability.”

@Piffy Sa ftit ilu kont tiftahar li d-dejn ta' Malta mhux problema ghax ghadna l-boghod mid-dejn Taljan. Issa wahhalulna xi hadd ta stoffa ghalhekk ma tridx tikkumenta. Issa nbatu l-konsegwnzi. X'tistenna meta il-prim ministru li ghandna mar ipeclaq ma l-ambaxxatrici Amerikana li m'ghandux nies ta' stoffa ma dwaru. Haseb li ma se jkun jaf hadd u saret taf id-dinja kollha. Dawn la qalhom Joe Muscat u l-anqas il PL. Qalhom dak li tammira int, Ghandna gvern ta' Wenzu w Rozi!
It would be better to say that the Moody downgrade is due to the Fenech incapability.
They vilified Dr Alfred Sant when he said he would lower the electricity and water tariffs yet they promised us a budget surplus by 2010. . Now who is the real villian?
@John Azzopardi Dak li hu tal libjani qatt ma jidhol f accounts taghna. Ma ghandu x jaqsam xejn. Id downgrade sar ghax il gvern ma lahaqx il miri li kien ghamel meta konna se nidhlu fil euro. Barra min hekk moodys ghamlulna negative outlook li jfisser li ma ghandhomx fiducja li l affarijiet se jmorru ghal ahjar w probabli li f qasir zmien issir downgrade iehor.
citizen x you may have a point. I think our downgrade occurred becuase we must release the almost 400 million euro belonging to Libya. That money is now need by the liybans and will have to come out in hard cash and paid to a libyan account.
Dan mhux xi zbal minn ta Moody`s hux sur gvern.Allura skond int il pajjiz sejjer sewwa ?
The explanation given is a lot of hog wash. PN croonies are running this country like a pyramid ponzi scheme and the worse thing is that they personally make more money the greater the waste and inefficiency in the country. When finally the truth will catch up with them - they will get to keep their ill-gotten loot while the rest of us will have to bear the mess and consequences on our shoulders. Wall street bankers destroyed the american economy - here in Malta the corrupt political PN croonies have done the same - we are just waiting until they can no longer sustain the ponzi scheme.
I will not enter into any discussion on this subject as it is quite complicated and is definitely beyond the capabilities of most people who indulge in stupid comments. - Dan qalu briffy mhux jien. Jiena nemmen li kulhadd ghandu idea soda u jifhem fl-ekonomija ghax din qieghed tolqot lil kull wiehed u wahda minnha. Kull kumment huwa importanti u jirrifletti s-sentiment li jkun qieghed jinhass. Dawn il-hafna allat zghar nazzjonalisti qieghdin jimminaw l-izvilupp ta' pajjizna u jitfghu stampa mcajpra ta' x'qeghda thoss il-maggoranza tal-popolin. L-aqwa ekonomija hi dik tal-but individwali u ma ghandek bzonn l-ebda PhD biex tanallizha bir-reqqa.
Adrian Pace
Where is the Madonna now dear Finance Minister. Gonzi PN is lucky to govern a country where people are gullible and too quiet for their own good. We should have started protesting, the day the ministerial raises where announced.
@briffy Can you contest that if the downgrade will follow the Rizzo Farrugia MGS Index it will cost malta 3.7million in extra interest that the government must fork out?
@briffy First of all go wipe your nose. Secondly, you sound so very much learned that you should ask gonzi to have one of his MPs give up his seat for you so that gonzi can improve his pool of talent. It is a shame your talents are wasted on us poor mortals.
As usual the resourceful Tonio Arsenall Fenech blamed somebody else for the failure except himself and his governmemnt, This time it was the "Eurozone instability". How stupid of us and Moody's for not having seen the real culprit. Right on Tonio how could we blame a rising star of your calibre.
Please note that the overall Rizzo Farrugia MGS Index slid 0.5% lower to 992.696. This means that the government needs to increase the interest rate in order to attract investors for new bond. If we consider that up to one year 30.09.12 there are 544.2 million of government stock that are going to mature this will translate in 2.7million of extra interest per year the government needs to fork out in order to attract investors of new bonds. This ammount must be added to the new loans the government require to cover the actual defict. If for the sake of the argument the defict would amount to 200m then it will cost another million in interest. Thus this down grade will cost tax payers at least 3.7million in 2012. This amount will increase every year as bonds will mature and new bonds needs to be issued.
Ghax inhobb lil partit laburista nissiggerixxi lil partit li ghal lelezzjoni li gejja ihalli lil PN tikkontesta wahdu ghax tant harbat fdawn lahhar 20+sena li impossibli li il PL isib tarf. Min jitfa fil borma ikun jaf xfiha jew dak li tizra tahsad jghid il Malti.
interesting that neither the article nor any of the below comments shed light on the obvious repercussion of this downgrade: higher interest rates when borrowing money. Our Government borrows money practically on a constant basis, paying hundreds of millions of euros in interest to service that debt... Higher interest rates means higher taxes on the Maltese people!!
I would like to know what will be the effect of any future bonds that the government needs to issue? How much incrimental interest it will cost to the tax payer? On the point that the minister stated that: "the deteriorating global economic outlook and continued instability in the euro area and their potential adverse impact on Malta’s economy had forced the reclassification". Please note that Germany is in the euro and still had not been downgraded as Malta, not to mention other european countries that had a stable rating.
Tal Moody's sgur li ma rawhomx il cables tal wiiki leak fuq il madona boy, kieku zgur ma kieux jamlulu down grade.
jien ghalija la il PM Lawrence Gonzi u il Ministru Beatu Tonio Fenech qedin JIFTAHRU li l-ekonomija sejra TAJJEB Nitlob lil Dr Joseph Muscat biex DAWN it 2 Jghamlu TAJJEB ghal li jista JINQALA dan HUMA BISS qedin ghidu li l-ekonomija qed TIKBER issa anki MOODY'S qed ghidu li Malta qed TOQROB lejn it QADA tal GRECJA Nitlob ukoll lil PL biex JEKK jirbah il gvern il PM il Ministri u Segretarji Parlamentari li QED JIEHDU IL 500 Ewro zieda fil gimgha IKOLLHOM IRRODUWA LURA LIL GVERN MALTI ghax din tal 500 Ewro zieda vera HIJA TAL MISTHIJA meta il Beatu Dr Tonio Fenech QED JITLOB LIN NIES BIEX JGHAMLU IS SAGRIFICJI Qed TARA FIEX QED IGIBNA IL GEVERN TIEGHEK HUX GIOVANNONE DEMARTINO
MODUS OPERANDI just to remind the cabinet to discuss in their next monday meeting. It is obvious that the brain of our politicians concentrate how they are going to deteriorate our profits - income and other - but seem to forget all those foreigners working in catering -ex PACEVILLE IS FULL OF THEM maids - offices - pole dancers - care givers - English schools - building construction companies - PLUSTERERS - and so many other - All without working permits - thousands of them not paying one single euro in TAX using our clinics - hospital - FREE OF CHARGE - so many of them also working in homes at 6 Euros per hour - the majority using the facility of WESTER UNION TO EXPORT THEIR INCOME TO THEIR COUNTRIES - something which every weekend is so evident with long queues waiting their turn .... Can someone give me an idea of how much millions of Euros are exported in this manner???? Can these thousands of foreigners be more of burden to the local TAX PAYER - Is it possible that no one knows about such abuse - LETS GIVE AN INCENTIVE TO THE LOCAL TAX PAYER AND TO HELP IDENTIFY THESE FORIGNERS... SO many ways in incentives that could benefit the locals and declare these millions of Euros in TAX EVASION - u mela tisikka u tisikka lill maltien biss qisna qedien nisirqu il FLUS-THIS IS ALSO HARMING THE TOURISIM INDUSTRY AS THE SERVICES RENDERED TO OUR TOURISTS IN THE ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY THE HOTELS RESTAURANTS TOURIST GUIDES etc.. etc.. IS NOT AT ALL FAMILIAR TO OUR CHARMING MALTESE WAY TO WORK IN THIS AREA...
Anke l-Moodys irrikonoxxiet li Malta ghamlet hafna biex tilqa ghall-krizi, imma minhabba dak li qed jigri madwarha…kellha taghmel reclassification ta Malta
"Furthermore these are intolerant people and god forbid their party ever comes to power. Their party hasn't changed one little bit despite the change of name, motif etc etc The changes are only cosmetic." Briffy, how did you come to this conclusion ? change from what ? you must be the only person in Malta (and demartino) who think that a change in government will bring some kind of catastrophe. Any alternative to this present lot cannot perform worse.
Micheal Bonanno
@briffy. Ara veru bniedem arroganti. Ghax ma naqblux mieghek jehel il-PL. X'ghandu x'jaqsam? Anke KSN hadha kontrik. Issa qieghed tghid li s-suggett li tant hu kkomplikat li mhux ser tkompli tiddiskutieh. Imissek tisthi. Tigi tghajjarna ghax ma naqblux mieghek. Issa drajnik bizzejjed li nafu li m'intix bniedem imparzjali, ghax kull ma johrog kontra l-Gvern, tohrog int mall-ewwel tiddefendi. The Knight in Shining White Armour hej! Pruzuntuz bizzejjed u ma tafx meta tkun qbizt il-limitu. Nafu nghoddu mill-wiehed sa' l-ghaxra grazzi, imma mhux ghalik u l-gvern tieghek. Nafu bil-problemi li hemm madwarna. Imma li nafu zgur hu, li l-Gvern tal-partit tieghek gab lill-pajjiz f'xifer dizastru. U dak int ma tridx tammettieh. U sakemm dak ma tammettiehx lanqas se tammetti x'jghidu l-Moody's mod jew iehor. Min jaf, forsi kieku kien il-PL fl-istess pozizzjoni, niggarantilek jien, kont tkun l-ewwel wiehed li tohrog tiddefendi lill-Moody's, imma ma garax hekk. U wisq nibza' li dan hu l-ewwel pass ta' Moody's (nispera li le, ghal gid ta' pajjizna). Tat-ToM fih hafna buffering biex imewwet id-daqqa, imma d-daqqa hemm qieghed. Nisperaw li tirranga s-sitwazzjoni u Moody's jergghu jupgradjawna. Nispera bis-sincerita kollha.
Briffy below, many of us are tired of all the political nonsense from both the PL and PN, but the facts speak for themselves. Moody's downgrading is no joke. the same way Arriva saga is no joke. Many things are not working right in Malta, and I alone with thousands of people don't believe that the PL can right things., But we all know that PN has been inpower for too long and the way things are going, we are heading for a PL victory.
Certifikat iehor ghall-gvern ta' Gonzi u ghall-inkompetenti ministru li jaf kollox u aktar minn kulhadd. Prosit hmir!
I will not enter into any discussion on this subject as it is quite complicated and is definitely beyond the capabilities of most people who indulge in stupid comments. Furthermore these are intolerant people and god forbid their party ever comes to power. Their party hasn't changed one little bit despite the change of name, motif etc etc The changes are only cosmetic.
@ Karl Stagno Navarra....I hasten to assure you that it wasn't my intention to rubbish your article. What I said, and again I am still of the same opinion, is simply that the way your article was written gives the impression or at least hints that Moody.s new rating results from sheer ineptitude on the part of the local administration which Moody says is not the case. Moody's main reason for the downgrade is the risk, indeed the probability of contagion from other EU states on which Malta's tourism and demand for Maltese products depend. Moody also said that Malta's credit worthiness was still in line with an A category rating. Moody also stated that Malta's country ceilings for bonds and bank deposits are NOT affected by the new rating and remain at Aaa in line with Eurozone's ceilings. I don't think that your artcile highlights any of these points unlike the article carried by the TOM. And I am sure you agree that these are the salient points which unfortunately do not feature in your article. I must say that I myself would have got the wrong impression had I not read the TOM article first. No hard feelings. Have a good day.
U is Sur Giovann DeMartino fejnu ? Briffy ..int taf xi haga. Ma tafx jekk marx holiday min fuq darna hux. Hekk missek tghamel int ukoll, ghax qeghed tigri wisq.
I thought we were flush with foreign money pouring into Malta. Could all this money be part of some anti money laundering network from our middle eastern friends. And moody's came to that realization. On top of that , maltese people know all the grumbles of daily life and they know malta in reality is not doing well economically and socially.
The downgrade is because we are SCREWED!! PUNTO E BASTA. ALL THIS IS BULLSH**!!!
Briffy, blue eyes briffy's got blue eyes, fingers in the pie by any chance buddy, worried your time of milking the country dry are over ahhh boo hoo poor briffy, Gonzi and co made a mess again have they ahhh lets give them a bit more than 500 a week as there so good at cocking things up they deserve 1000 a week.
Paul Sammut
Dear all, let briffy be.The poor darling can only play one tune. Farts in B major.
More like a deflated balloon then a rising star.
@ Karl Stagno-Navarro Your reporting with Al Jazeera throughout the Libyan conflict is proof enough of your capabilities as a journalist. With regards to 'briffy' "We all know that the level of journalism of the TOM is of a higher standard", ofcourse it is, you keep thinking that. With that, you might also want to jump on the bandwagon with all those who actually think that Malta's economic stability is not in any risk...
If TOM is better then why bother preaching to us poor untalented Joe Does? Go and share your wisdom with those on TOM there are quite a number of brown nosed elves like you there, you'd be in good company.
It was only a matter of time and it had to happen just after or pis (par idejn sodi) PM told us how well the economy was doing and how Malta is the best country in the world financially. Of course keeping in mind his recent €500/week rise.
To START to sort out the economic crisis in Malta and create a feeling of well being the government has to, amongst other things; 1-Introduce progressive taxation 2-Eliminate the zero-rate tax band 3-Lower the VAT rate to app 15% 4-Introduce VAT on food products and medicines at a nominal rate ex :1% 5-Re-stabilize the pensionable age at 61 or even lower. . I do hope that the present government will take action before it is too late. .
briffy@maltanet mhxu aħjar tneħħi n-nuċċali blu skur li għandek ħalli forsi tibda tara r-realta' u am tibqax tibla dak kollu li jgħidlek Dr Gonzi u l-magna propagandistika tiegħu? ** Kif qalulek l-oħrajn, il-Gvern ta' Dr Gonzi ġabna f'xifer l-irdum.
@briffy@maltanet Inti dejjem l-ewwe wiehed li tkun lest li taffronta siderk ghal tal-par idejn sodi. Issa hadnih ic-certifikat tal-par idejn sodi minn ghand Moody u dawn zgur li hadd ma jimmanipulhom minn Kastilja. Pero' lanqas kellna bzonn lil Moody jghidilna li sejrin mill-hazin ghal-ghar ghax kull min ghandu ghajnejn biex jara u widnejn biexjisma ilu li nduna li wasalna f'xifer ta' rdum. Kullhadd qieghed ihoss i-polz tal-finanzi ta' Malta li huwa bhal tal-Grecja, Portugal etc, etc u anke nahseb inti briffy nahseb li taf is-sitwazzjoni li ninsabu fiha imma ma ghandekx il-kuragg li tghid. Ara wara l-elezzjoni li gejja nahlef li inti tkun l-ewwel wiehed li tibda tmaqdar lill-Gvern tal-Labour li gabna f'xi dizastru finanzjarju meta fil-fatt il-Gvern li jmiss ser isib dan id-dizastru kollu b'WIRT minn ghand il-Gvern Nazzjonalista.

Briffy, before passing quick judgements, I suggest that you make a clear distinction between fact and PR. I am not here to take anybody's side. A downgrade is a downgrade, and there is no joking or room for silly partisan remarks. If you believe that my report may give the wrong impression, then I suggest you understand that the downgrade is not erased nor to please you, the government or any citizen. Your remarks this morning show a blatant disregard for the obvious, almost living in a cocoon whereby because government X is in power, downgrades are not possibile? It is sad to see that journalists in this country are regarded as a mere political mouthpiece. Those days are over, and I will not be one of those. It is your right to have an opinion, but you have no right to attempt to rubbish me for reporting a fact. If you could do better and avoid a downgrade, then why don't you contest the elections, be elected and seek a place within a 'talented pool' to steer the nation out of this situation. Have a nice day!

and welcome to Tonio Fenech the "Rising Star" !!
why shock ??? only a simpleton or a spin doctor would believe that a nation of less than half a million citizens having a debt of upwards of 4 billion euros is doing fine. Unfortunately for certain quarters, Moodys are not the NSO or some local english language paper which can be instructed by Castille to parrot what it is fed.
Before blurting out the usual silly comments, I would suggest one reads the article on the Times of Malta. The article by Karl Stagno Navarra conveys the wrong impression and highlights only the parts of the report which are bound to put the administration in bad light. The article only covers a part of the story. Whether this was done deliberatly or through poor reporting only KSN can tell. In any case, if one reads the TOM article, one forms a different opinion. We all know that the level of journalism of the TOM is of a higher standard
Luke Camilleri
Gonzipn Ministers' LIMITED TALENTS ?! Time to move on...and out and take away their Performance Bonus/ Honoraria! Just no value for our taxes from the Gonzipn Coterie! Huma l'ewwel u qabel kollox...jew ghalihom l'ewwel u qabel kollox1