Realtors' complain of high thresholds for permanent residents

Thresholds can have negative repercussions on the property market in general, with a ripple effect on all other service providers.

The Chamber of Commerce’s real estate section said the long overdue tax incentives for foreign high earners have qualifying thresholds that are too high and may impinge on the attractiveness of Malta’s offering.

The Chamber said the announced thresholds can have negative repercussions on the property market in general, with a ripple effect on all other service providers, not only to the property industry but also local business in general.

“Whilst appreciating that the introduction of certain measures were necessary, the section is apprehensive that the new rules may be too onerous. We feel the new cost of joining the Scheme is somewhat exorbitant.”

The new ‘High Net Worth Individuals’ rules will require applicants to purchase property of over €400,000, or rent at €20,000 per annum, a substantial jump from the former thresholds of €69,000 for property purchased, or €4,150 for property rented.

Successful applicants will benefit from a 15% tax that allows the possibility to claim double tax relief, with a minimum tax cap of €20,000. The scheme will also apply an additional minimum tax of €2,500 per dependent of the applicant.

The Chamber’s real estate section welcomed the introduction of the long overdue high net worth scheme for foreign nationals. “The delay caused great uncertainty in the market, especially when other neighbouring Mediterranean countries were introducing far more advantageous schemes,” the Chamber said.

Despite the fact that the Permanent Residence Scheme was not designed to sell property in Malta, it went a long way to incentivise overseas nationals to purchase property in Malta and stabilise the property market, generating millions of euro for both the private and the public sectors since its inception.

“This occurred in a negative global economic climate and the fact that the property market in Malta remained relatively stable was a major contributor to the well being of the Maltese economy in turbulent times,” the Chamber said.

In a reaction, the finance ministry said that of some 15,000 foreigners live in Malta, only 1,042 were permanent residence holders. "Indeed, over the past four years, 3,457 properties were purchased by foreigners in Malta. However, only 123 foreigners were permanent residents who have purchased property."

The ministry said the former scheme required the payment of only €4,193 in taxation. On the other hand, following EU accession and the subsequent transposition of EU legislation, after five years in Malta, permanent residence holders were eligible for free healthcare, free education, over and above the significant fiscal and VISA benefits enjoyed by the scheme holders.

"This was onerous and detrimental to the economy while also being unfair on the Maltese taxpayer. Government has introduced a number of initiatives and schemes that have attracted foreigners who have purchased property in Malta. These include incentives towards temporary residents, the highly qualified persons scheme as well as the general transformation in our economy that has created a number of high-value added jobs in financial services and e-gaming.

"These sectors have not only created thousands of higher-paid jobs for Maltese citizens, but have also attracted a number of foreigners to our shores. Government will be actively promoting the new scheme, particularly through Malta Enterprise and Finance Malta to ensure its success."

Foriegners buying property in Malta not only pay stamp duty, notorial fees to complete a transaction but they also by furniture, employ plumbers, buy bathrooms, eat in our restaurants, send their children to school, invite families on holiday and much more. This Ill attitude towards foriegn buyers is not fair.
We are living in densely populated and polluted island and we are trying to make this problem worst. The money pumped into the economy would be equalized by the expenditure needed to sustain a a larger population which would undoubtedly strain our already strained infrastructures.
vuci ta sens this is not about restoring the old buildings but of having enough breathing space. ** We are the most populated country in Europe and nearly in the world. ** We cannot keep going on like this destroying all our open spaces and sea coasts. ** We cannot keep on paying so much for our water which is an extremely finite scarce resource just to have foreigners coming and living here and fatten the pockets of the environment destroyers. ** Even if they are to live in upgraded old properties they are still a burden and overcrowding us on this tiny rock.
Maltabiss - push the government to restore (or subsidise the owners to restore) the thousands of empty houses, maisonettes, and sometimes blocks of flats. This idea is pooh-poohed as being unsustainable, but I believe that it is more sustainable. As you said, yes, I too am sick of concrete and stone jungles everywhere - but particularly if you consider the vacant properties around. These properties are also highly reflective of our great national heritage and culture.
Moribund li jinteressana huwa li lanqas għandan spazju fejn nieħdu ftit tan-nifs għax kullimkien inbena. ** Jekk jien nikritika lill-gvern fuq din naqbel miegħu anzi ngħid li ma għolliex biżżejjed. ** Fejn se nibdew inpoġġu n-nies? ** Nibdew nistivawhom fuq xulxin? ** U x'se jagħmlu uliedna? ** Jibdew jorqdu barra jew isiefru għax ma jkollhomx fejn joqgħodu ħalli l-ftit kuntratturi li hawn ikomplu jħaxxnu buthom? ** Ħalluna ngħixu fil-ftit kwiet li baqa' għax issa xbajna naraw pajjiżna jinbigħ lill-barrani.
vuci ta sens the environment rapists have been artificially inflating prices so that Maltese citizens cannot afford to have their homes in their own country or they have to pay all their life even after becoming pensioners. ** What works for big countries does not work for tiny Malta. ** Do you expect us not to have a breathing space just to keep the environment rapists and yourself happy and to line their pockets at our and our childrens expense?
Mela qed jahsibna qedin Monte Carlo dan ic-cucc Malti ?
vuci ta sens the environment rapists have been artificially inflating prices so that Maltese citizens cannot afford to have their homes in their own country or they have to pay all their life even after becoming pensioners. ** What works for big countries does not work for tiny Malta. ** Do you expect us not to have a breathing space just to keep the environment rapists and yourself happy and to line their pockets at our and our childrens expense?
The construction industry is an artificial industry who employ mainly foreign people (lets not call them slaves) and who had made it difficult for locals to buy their own houses and nearly impossible to live in them (cranes etc). This industry had trampled on our landscapes, our environment, the tourism sector and on our sanity. As special thanks to it we're expected to foot the bill and pay for the Foreigners social services despite these guys has never actually paid for them and that because they made these 'Kuntratturi' richer. . Its time to introduce stricter rules and taxes (property tax which goes up exponentially on how much property you possess) to end up all speculation. The construction industry needs to tone down.
ghandi kurzita kbira inkun naf minn ta l-parir lil Fenech. Dal bniedem bil-kuxjenza safja tieghu nahseb ahjar imur imexxi xi istitut religjuz jew filantropiku. Ir-ragunar tieghu huwa "baffling" kif jghidu l-inglizi u ghandi suspett qwawwi li hemm xi hadd li jhobb jaghmel il-pelegrinaggi lejn borg in-naudr li qed imexxih lil dan. Li niskanta li il-membri l- ohra qishom qas ghandom interess iktar fiz-zbalji suwicidjali li qed jaghmel il-gvern. Rigward l-opposizzjoni ahjar ma nghid xejn ghax nahseb hadu xi vjagg lejn Dreamland u baqghu rieqdin hemmhekk.
Jean-Claude Pace
government, with the full support of our progressive opposition, pushing up property prices...who cares about Maltese people who want to own the home they live in?
Il-Ministru taxxi diretti lilu jrid jara u mhux kemm dawn jonfqu fl-ekonomija. Hekk qal li hu (mhux il-Gvern jew Malta) jkollu jtijhom is-servizzi socjali.
A foreign couple would in the course of a year pump a minimum amount of something like E20/25.000 per year in goods and services into the Maltese economy,this excludes the initial purchase of their property. It seems this is money that Malta can well do without if we are to believe the new directive. Does anybody on this Island know what they're doing?.
Maltabiss should take a course in Economics - I'm quite sure that no other people wish to have a negative equity in their present homes (nor do the banks).
Its not too high. ** It is too little. ** What about Maltese citizens who cannot afford your exorbitant prices? ** Let the property market collapse.