S&P warns Malta’s ratings may be downgraded by two notches

Malta’s sovereign credit rating could be downgraded by two notches by Standard & Poor’s, as government is warned of the potential impact of the “deepening political, financial, and monetary problems within the eurozone.”

S&P's warning comes amid spiralling European debt turmoil that poses a threat to the very existence of the euro as a currency.
S&P's warning comes amid spiralling European debt turmoil that poses a threat to the very existence of the euro as a currency.

Credit rating agency Standard & Poor's has warned Malta and 15 other eurozone member states - including AAA-rated France and Germany - that they have been placed under 'CreditWatch', implying the possibility of a downgrade.

The warning comes amid spiralling European debt turmoil that poses a threat to the very existence of the euro as a currency.

"CreditWatch placements are prompted by our belief that systemic stresses in the eurozone have risen in the recent weeks to the extent that they now put downward pressure on the credit standing of the euro zone as a whole," S&P Ratings Services said.

Malta's AA rating could fall back by two notches, S&P warned, while  Estonia, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain and Cyprus, may also face the same fate.

S&P placed Malta's 'A' long- and 'A-1' short-term sovereign credit ratings on CreditWatch with negative implications.

The CreditWatch placement is prompted by S&P's concerns about the potential impact on Malta of what the agency views as the "deepening" political, financial, and monetary problems within the eurozone.

S&P believes that the lack of progress the European leaders have made so far in controlling the spread of the financial crisis may reflect structural weaknesses in the decision-making process within the eurozone and European Union.

This - the agency said - "informs our view about the ability of European policymakers to take the proactive and resolute measures needed in times of financial stress. We are therefore reassessing the eurozone's record of debt-crisis management and its implications for our view on the effectiveness of policymaking in Malta."

S&P's CreditWatch review will focus on three areas of its criteria:

The political score

In S&P's view, the overall consistency, predictability, and effectiveness of policy coordination among institutions within the eurozone has weakened at a time of severe ongoing fiscal and economic challenges to a degree more than we envisioned.

"For Malta, we believe this environment could offset recent successful efforts to consolidate public finances and detract from important structural measures, such as the reform of the pension system. Specifically, we will review the policy-making environment in terms of: the predictability of its overall policy framework and its policy responses to current developments," S&P said.

The external score

S&P points out that Malta is host to a number of foreign banking institutions whose assets total an estimated 750% of GDP.

While the majority of these banking institutions are not linked to the domestic economy, S&P believes that a deepening and prolonged financial crisis could complicate access to financing for Malta's banks and private sector entities.

"We note that the two main domestic banks, Bank of Valletta and HSBC, are predominantly funded by resident deposits and have a small reliance on interbank funding lines. However, liquidity concerns and the weakening asset quality of Malta's banks' securities and loan portfolios could in our view increase the risk of the need for capital injections by the government or similar interventions. In our view, this raises the possibility that contingent liabilities could materialize. However, we expect the government's appetite to support financial institutions, if needed, would likely be limited to systemically important domestic institutions."

Although Malta's domestic banks have so far maintained access to market liquidity, S&P said that it will review the risk of a sudden reduction of cross-border interbank lines resulting from perceptions of increasing financial-sector stress.

"We will also review Malta's fiscal capacity (at its current rating level) to provide additional support to its national banking system should further official assistance be required," it said.

The monetary score

S&P is also set to review the ECB's policy settings and their impact on financial market conditions, the real economy, and ultimately Malta's creditworthiness.

"If we were to conclude that the ECB's policy stance is unlikely to be effective in mitigating the economic and financial shocks that we believe Malta could be experiencing, we could lower this score," S&P has warned.

Poor briffy, always battling it out alone. Perhaps he should call in ABC (il-Boċċa) as his buddy, he adores selectively delving into the past i.e. only the 80s of course.
@briffy .......... you sound so hollow always repeating the "inglorious years of labour" as if you sobs had nothing to do with the violence and all. Of course it was one way only. Well that is what ablind man sees.
As long as S&P down grading does not effect Malta's position in relation to Greece and Portugal gonzi will not give a damn as long as he can say that there are countries worse than us.
Sorry about the typo in my comment to schrek. The sentence in the third line from the bottom should read 'the Maltese are not having these things' My apologies.
"schrek...where are your rights evaporating? Can you spell them out? And the government is delivering, while the eurozone economy is practically stagnant Malta's economy is growing at over 2%, while the unemployment fgure in the eurozone is over 10%, Malta's is 5.5%, while people in the eurozone are having their salaries slashed like in Mintoff's time, while they are having pension reductions, increases in VAT rates, the Maltese are having these things. So why do you say that the government is not delivering? Just to spew out something and try to gain some brownie points for labour. Don't you have a mind, then use it.
" man in the street.....I am retired after working for 40 whole years. Work gives dignity to man. So you are not a unique breed if you work; thank god and the government that you are working. Tens of thousands are out of work in other EU countries, even graduates. So why complain and come out with a lot of lies? You complain about everything, including your existence. I must ask you how much do you earn a year, what work do you do, whether you own a fully equipped house with washing machine, fridge, dishwasher carpets, A/Cs, TVs, PCs, mobile, whether you eat well, whether you run a car, whether you appreciate that you live in a democracy which was practically denied to us during the glorious days of socialism of your party. Convince me with figures, others zip up. You will cut a better figure.
@ briffy Sorry, i didn't know you had royal origins. That you have blue blood running in your veins, that i am sure. If, perhaps, you are so royal and rich that you do not feel the pinch, then you are right. The country's economy is going great and the machine is well oiled. For us who have to work to earn a living, the Malta we live in is different.
Instead of asking whoever we are being told to us to interpret for us the way the economy of our country is fairing, why don't we ask ourselves and other fellow workers like us who have constantly and steadily been seeing our standard of living plummeting, our rights evaporating, and our own existence jeopardized? And all this whilst at the same time the fat cats are getting fatter, greedier and careless towards the common good. And for those who seem to be getting touchy of late when one depicts for them a reality that they are not comfortable with, look at the bright side of it. If a party in government does not deliver, the electorate is wise enough to oust it out of office at the first opportune moment.
People who are denigrating the performance of our ecenomy would do well to read the Karm Farrugia's interview carried by Malta Today on the eve of the Budget but hastily relegated. The economist who graduated from the LSE (Londone School of Economics for the less enlightened) spoke in glowing terms of the performance of Malta's economy. The same opinion had been conveyed by the economist Lino Spiteri some weeks back. Now I hope no one will say that I am quoting Nationalist sympathisers. And, I sincerely hope that the small number of people who comment under different pseudonyms hurling insults, threats and spitting venom, while repeating the same stupid comments like a broken record, and betraying their ignorance and their humble beginnings will amend their ways and act in a civilised manner. Thank you.
Some people would do themselves a mountain of good if they had to bring themselves to believe reality and that our country's financial position is nothing to be happy about and responsible for this is the Partit Nazzjonalista's way of doing politics with the MONEY NO PROBLEM Philosophy, lack of transparency, lack of accountability, money squandering with 'the friends', black economy, corruption and mismanagement.
@briffa aka briffy> In 1971 labour took government when there wasn't even money to pay government employees, an economy in shambles and poverty all round. We did it then and we are able to do it now.Let us one thing straight all those tax evadors and those who enrichen themselves at tax payers expense will have to pay back what they ow the people. Justice will prevail together with administration with sense. YES WE CAN (Obama)
Surely S&P are joking, we have the best economy in europe ask our PM gonzi. We are doing so well that he doesn't even know what a deficit is as he is more at home with surpluses. gonzi is God's gift to world economics and unless the EU realises this and set him up as governor of Europe's Central Bank the euro is surely going to collapse.
@ briffy Funny is whoever came up with the false slogans 'par idejn sodi' and 'finanzi fis-sod', and whoever voted for him, like you. If these are the sort of arguments that the PN and his henchmen like you hope to win the next election (Antarctica and all the bull you mentioned), then you'd better think of something more concrete, Briffy.
Politicians should be blamed not for the accession of Malta in the Euro zone but for allowing bankers to take us for a ride and to put so many jobs at risk. The response from politicians should be a hard one and those responsible should pay bitterly for their part in this calamity.
Politicians should be blamed not for the accession of Malta in the Euro zone but for allowing bankers to take us for a ride and to put so many jobs at risk. The response from politicians should be a hard one and those responsible should pay bitterly for their part in this calamity.
"Firillu Kbir....Jien ghidt meta l-Labour ikun fil-gvern imma ma semmejtx dati.
Finanzi fis-sod, par idejn sodi, 100 miljun lira fis-sena, l-ewro jsalvana... ** Anki l-magna uriet lil Gonzi li l-ewro hija munita tal-qamel. ** Tiftakru meta mar jiġbed l-ewro u l-magna lanqas tatu l-flus? ** Kienet profeta għax l-ewro se jġibna fixxa iktar milli aħna **.
Xifajk skond imkejjen ta' min ma jorbotx fuqhom l-UE għandha pjani biex tagħmel meters u cameras fil-kmamar tas-sodda biex kull €$%"*&^ tħallas il-VAT fuqha.
@ Briffy. Ma kontx nobsor li l-anqas INT ma emmintu li Austin Gatt li se taghmlu ghoxrin sena ohra fil-gvern!!!!!!!
U skond par idejn sodi kollox sejjer tajjeb u ahna l ahjar fl Europa. Issa dawn iridu inaqsulna two notches fil grading li ifisser li meta nisselfu fis swieq internazzjonali irridu inhalsu interessi aktar
& man in the street.... and if the eurozone members would have all been downgraded by S&P's by the time Labour is elected what would Labour do to ensure that the problems affecting them will not hit Malta adversely? Would Labour start getting tourists from the Antartica and would Labour open new markets for Malta's products in Asia, Australia and the Americas? You are so funny.
Nice situation these PN administrations have brought us in. They said we would be safe in the grown-up club, and it seems this club is collapsing, and we are falling down with it. Addio 'par idejn sodi' and 'finanzi fis-sod'. I hope next elections will bring with them a repetition of 1971 and 1996, with Labour having to wash away the dirt, filth, vomit and debt the PN had left behind them.
Ara dawn tal S&P ma jafux x`inhuma jghejdu ta. Mela ma semawhx lil ministru Tonio Fenech jghejd li sas sena 2013 Malta ser tnizzel id defisit ghal 1.5 jew. Nahseb li iridu jaqbdu mal gvern nazzjonalista.Ma jafux dawn li tant kemm ghandha gid li qeghedin inberbqu u narmu flus bl`addocc fuq progetti li nistaw nghaddu min ghajrhom...bhal BRIDGE TO NOWHERE, il LIFT, IL PJAZZA LI TFAWWAR L-ILMA,U TANT OHRAJN. Issa ser nifrankaw ghax ser nuzaw il Heave Fuel Oil ghal power Station, pero ser nonfquhom ghal kura ta tal mard li ser tmarrad lin nies ta l-inhawi. Le.. sew mixjien .
Ahjar l-PM jsejjah elezzjoni mil-aktar fis possibbli biex titneha l-incertetza li hawn kemm f'dik li hi qaghda ekonomika u dik li jahsbu in-nies li gejja elezzjoni bikrija anke certu manuvri li ghadejien min gewwa u b'hekk titneha l-incertetza li hawn billi tmur l-aktar data vicin tal-elezzjoni li hi dik li fis-6 ta'frar 2012 ixxoljiej l-Parlament u ssejjah l-Elezzjoni ghal 10 ta'Marzu 2012.
Micheal Bonanno
@Draino. Milli jidher S&P m'ghadhomx ifahhruh lill-Gvern, xi tghid? Issa se nibdew nimminaw l-integrita' taghhom.
Micheal Bonanno
@Draino. Milli jidher S&P m'ghadhomx ifahhruh lill-Gvern, xi tghid? Issa se nibdew nimminaw l-integrita' taghhom.
We'll do whatever the EU wants us to do whether its about bailing Greece out or keeping all immigrants to this small island. However call that colonialism at your peril.
Why worry xifajk. Halli lill dawk li hargu jxejjru il bandiera bl stillel ghax dawk ghandhom € il bank u nassigurak li bhal issa dehlin u hergin it toilet u nahseb li se jkollom "BLACK CHRISTMAS" din is sena!
Grazzi lil Dr Fenech Adami talli dahalna fl EU u Grazzi akbar li Dr Lawrence Gonzi tall dahalna fil-Euro Zone. Dawk kien God's sent ghall gharqa ta dan in-Nazzjon. Tghid anki biex tmur sat-toilet trid thallas il-VAT? Veru par idejn sodi. Daqt immut bil-guh (il-haddiem iz-zghir ta) mhux int Dr Gonzi ghaliex hadt €500 fil-gimgha meta rajt il-maltemp.
Standard & Poor's (S&P) is a United States-based financial services company. That said is enough...