600,000 mobile subscribers by 2015, Vodafone expected to take 53.4% market share

Telecoms markets and research experts anticipate further cell phone telephony growth in Malta, with subscribers expecting to reach 600,000 by 2015.

Mobile phone subscribers may almost double Malta's population by 2015
Mobile phone subscribers may almost double Malta's population by 2015

In its report '3Q11 Malta Mobile Operator Forecast, 2011-2015: Malta to have 0.60 million mobile subscriber connections in 2015' adds that Vodafone Malta is expected to take 54.4% of the market share.

The 'Mobile Operator Forecast' on Malta provides key operational and financial metrics for Malta's wireless market and is considered to be one of the best forecasts in the industry.

It provides five-year forecasts at the operator level going out to 2015, together with quarterly historical and forecast data starting in 1Q2003 and ending in 2Q2013.

The research covered Vodafone Malta (Vodafone Group Plc), MobIsle Communications Ltd. (Go Mobile), and Melita Mobile Ltd. (3G Telecommunications).

In a statement, Mobile Operator Forecasts are explained that the report deploys multiple regression analysis and cross-impact matrices that estimate relationships between subscriber data, technology use and deployment data, overall economic and demographic changes expected in Malta; and relate these to company operational and financial metrics.

ill-Istrina x'faqar hawn f'Malta. Dalghodu mort sas-South ta' Malta, li l-aktar jokorbu bil-guh, rajt hafna hobz mormi. Inkluzi hobziet shah. Ma nafx lil min se naqbad nemmen.
ill-Istrina x'faqar hawn f'Malta. Dalghodu mort sas-South ta' Malta, li l-aktar jokorbu bil-guh, rajt hafna hobz mormi. Inkluzi hobziet shah. Ma nafx lil min se naqbad nemmen.
600000 mobile phone subs? All of which goes to show that poverty in Malta is a complete myth.