Standard & Poor's cuts Malta's credit rating

Credit ratings agency Standard & Poor’s has cut Malta’s credit rating by one notch to A-. Eurozone in crisis.

Standard & Poor's cut the credit ratings of nine European countries
Standard & Poor's cut the credit ratings of nine European countries

Credit ratings agency Standard & Poor's has cut Malta's credit rating by one notch to A-.

Earlier this week, the international credit rating agencies Fitch and Standard & Poor's had placed Malta among the eurozone's downgrading creditwatch list. Before today, Malta's credit rating stood at A. Standard & Poor's cut Austria, France, Malta, Slovakia and Slovenia by one notch, and Cyprus, Italy, Portugal and Spain by two notches.

Standard & Poor's said the decision has been taken in light of “deepening political, financial, and monetary problems within the eurozone, into which Malta is closely integrated”.

The Finance Ministry said “Today’s decision by Standard and Poor’s highlights the worsening of the international crisis. Government has repeatedly warned over the past few weeks that Malta’s interdependence with the performance of the European economy will create important challenges for Malta in 2012. The lack of stability and the bleak outlook of the international markets and in our major trading partners threaten investment and job creation.

“Today’s decision also confirms government’s responsible and prudent approach in taking further cost cutting measures in view of the ongoing deterioration of the international economic and financial situation, which took place in the past two months following the announcement of Budget 2012. Unfortunately, the Opposition showed complete shallowness and detachment from the economic reality surrounding us when questioning the timing of government’s decision to implement further administrative cost-cutting initiatives," the ministry said. 

The Finance Ministry added that "the hallmark of the PN government has been its success in creating jobs and in safeguarding them. It will continue to do so." 

Standard and Poor's cut the credit ratings of nine European countries on Friday in a widely-anticipated move. Rumours that the downgrades were imminent had been circulating in various reports throughout the day.

The credit rating agency affirmed the current long-term ratings for Belgium, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.

Standard and Poor's downgraded France by one notch to AA . The outlook for the driving force behind the eurozone reforms together with Germany is negative, which means the country could face further downgrades. 

Germany maintained its AAA rating and Italy's credit rating was cut to BBB . Austria also lost its AAA crown, down one notch to AA . Spain has been downgraded two notches to A, from "AA-. 

Maltabiss ghandek ragun habib. Dejjem kienu gvernijiet Nazzjonalisti li waqqghu wiccna u wicc Malta ghac-cajt mad-dinja.
GonziPN: Waqqajtu wicc Malta fiz-zufjett. Isthu jekk tafu.
Never before, not even when Mintoff came to power in 1971 and did not find a single penny in Malta's coffer did Malta get downgraded. ** Not only did the eu cause us so much harm together with the incompetent Gonz, but it has caused the downgrading of our country. ** The only way out of all this mess is OUT OF THE EU. ** Time for the people to revolt against the eu and its local JUDAS who betrayed us by making us members in the eu dictatorial colonial regime and their QUISLINGS in MAlta who want to keep us in this slavery.
I am sure that Malta was doing far better outside the EU then it is doing now. Under the then Labour Government the Maltese Nation missed the Cadbury Choclate but under the labour government our standard of liveing improved drastically. Today the Maltese Nation is missing both the chocolate and the improvement we were accustomed to. Mintoff’s Government took every imaginable step to improve our standard in all spheres of life, which included hefty savings for the future of our country by creating all sort of saving funds.”Saving for a rainy day” A billion euro was left in the coffers. Then came the champions of Democracy and ruined everything this Nation had, which included all savings and assets this country had. All were made by the sacrifices of all Maltese. The Nationalists are doing their utmost and unthinkable to remain glued to that seat at all cost, including going against the WILL of the majority of its people like what happened in the divorce issue. The Democracy as described by the champions “The Nationalist” is going through a tough test. Dr Gonzi together with the Nationalist Party is showing us what their meaning of Democracy is. Is this the real meaning of democracy, or is it a meaning of Dictatorship? If you really have the interest of the Maltese Nation at heart, then obtain a vote of confidence or else let the Maltese Nation decide, today and not tomorrow. Tomorrow might be too late. Hon Dr Gonzi and all those concerned, there is one thing I like to point out “A MAN IS AS GOOD AS HIS WORD”
Nota t'osservazzjoni; Minn wara l-Budget 2012,(ftti gimghat ilu), il-Kummisjoni Ewropea gelietna naghmlu "budget" iehor u s'issa HADD ma jaf minn ser jinqatghu €40 miljun u issa tithabbar downgrade fir-rating ta' l-ekonomija taghna. Dan ghaqal fit-tmexxija!! Ta' min jghid li MHUX il-pajjizi kollha fl-UE kellhom downgrade, dan ifisser li hemm pajjizi li KAPACI jilqghu ghal krizi internazzjonali u AHNA ma dawn irridu nigu mqabbla u mhux ma' l-aghar pajizi. WE DESERVE THE BEST.
li kien ghadu haj richard sultana tal farfett hu kien jehel b'dan ir-rizultat ghax ma baqax fmin iwwahlu
Hbieb, it tajjba tal birah hi din. Jiena lil Peppi nafhu ghalhekk bhatlu messagg biex neighdlu bdan id downgrade li sar waqt il program stess. Barra li ghalhekk ikun hemm mtt pc hemm ukoll bix jaraw lanqas caqlieqa li ikun hemm. Imma is sur Peppi ma qal xejn. Veru falz dan il bniedem li jiena tajyu programm fuqi biez Daphne tkun tista tajjarni izjed. Teighduli ghalfejn tajtulhu? Ghax dahalli bil hbiberijja ghalhekk tajtulhu. Imma il hbiberijja spiccat lahhar darba li gi jarani id dar u kwazi ghajjat lil ommi tixkupah il barra mate kellu il wicc jajjarna FAXXISTI!! Dan ghedtulu ukoll imma hu jibqa jibhatli messagi bil kelma habib...wara il bierah lanqas nirrispondieh aktar ghax qazzizni. Din hi il hbiberijja? The USER IS NEVER A FRIEND!!!
Edwin Vassallo fakkarni meta George Borg Olivier fl-elezzjoni tal-1976 kien jghid repetutament lill-elettortat 'Ejja maghna'. Dak inhar l-ghajta tieghu ma hadmitx ghax GBO tilef l-elezzjoni. Ghalhekk ma nahsibx li kien kumment daqs tant tajjeb u f'waqtu li uza Edwin Vassallo!
@ Antoine Vella. Min kif tiktbu tisthajjilkom in nazzisti, dawk kienu jemmnu li huma l-aqwa razza fid dinja u li il-kumplament kwazi annimali, li huma biss kellhom id-dritt li imexxu lill Germanja u jahkmu lill ewropa kollha. Kienu jemmnu ukoll li l- imperu nazzist ser iservi elf sena, izda wara ftit snin spicca fix xejn u il-poplu germaniz malajr intebah li kollox kien fantasija u hmerijiet!! L-istess qed jigri lielkom, tahsbu li intom xi allat, izda kull fejn missejt b'idejkom farraktuh u imlejtuh dejn, issa iz-zejt qed jitla f'wicc l-ilma u kollox qed jinkixef, dan ghadu bidu, il- kbir ghadu gejj.
@ duminku: Peppi is afraid that he may lose the €2,000 he gets for each programme, apart from the money WE gets on each minute (~€200) of advertising!
Kieku l-EU bdiet tanalizza l-budgets taghna snin ilu forsi konna inkunu hafna ahjar ghalkemm dejjem webblu lil poplu li id-dejn mhux problema u money no problem,il-hofra hrafa etc etc issa wasal iz-zmien ghal kontijiet. Kemm kien Bravu min bidel u bena lil Malta mil-qiegh u f-istess hin faddal mijjiet ta miljuni.
Zack Depasquale
@Antoine Vella Is this another presumption or daydream from your side as up to now all your presumptions have not materialised. Still daydreaming abouta coalition government. And for calling Labour Party supporters mintoffjani do you think that you are offending us, don't you remeber when your PN turned Mintoffjani in 1998.
Fufa: "Ftakar li hanzir taghqtalu denbu, hanzir jibqa." Eżatt dak li jgħid il-poplu dwarkom il-mintoffjani. Kemm taf xi tgħid, ħej. Prosit.
Din ir-rate cut hija skuza ohra ghaliex ghandha ssir elezzjoni ghax nezlin l-isfel gas down. Il-bierah fuq xarabank: - nahseb li Dr Franco jrid jara li l-arlogg ghadu f'idejh, ghax jien ma nafx ghalfejn Vasallo kien il-hin kollu jmisslu idu. Illum ma tista tafda lil hadd. Dan Vasallo ma jisthix minn Alla li halqu, qal lil Dr Franco li kull ma qieghed jghid kollu sewwa u ghandu hafna ideajt tajbin ghalhekk ghandu jibqa hemm.... Imma, Dr Franco skond huwa stess, ilu jghidilkom 3 snin u nofs b'dawn l-ideat tieghu, ma stajtux tajtu widen dak inhar. Issa triduh jibqa hemm wara li fnejtuh. X'kilba ghandkom ghal poter Vassallo!!!.... Dr Franco, dawn irriduk hemm biex int taghtihom l-ideat imma jdhru huma u lilek iwarbuk bhal ma ghamlu. Ftakar li hanzir taghqtalu denbu, hanzir jibqa.
rajtuh il-bierah lil Peppi imwerwer il-hin kollu isaqsi "ser jigri?"...... Dak taf x'rid ifisser biha din ghaxpropju hu xtaq u ried jghid "X'SER JIGRILI." Rajnieh il-bierah bl-liema herqa kellu biex jipprova jghaqqad lil Joseph u juza l-arroganza kollha sahansitra ma jtihx nifs u cans biex Joseph jirribatti kull attakk feroci ta dan Peppi il-gakbin, li issa kif qal hu stess ilu snien kbar jikolielu minn fuq flus il-poplu. u l-iehor il-bikkej konservattuv rajtug b'idu fuq it-tifel il-hin kollu jghidlu EJJA MAGHNA gha xta cwiec li huma issa ndunaw li waslet is-siegha tal-verita.
The Maltese government said that this is everybody's fault except the Maltese government's.
Antoine Vella. Mela skond int in-negozju sejjer hazin ghax hemm " il-possibilita" li jitla gvern laburista.Mela jekk jitla gvern laburista u n-negozju jitjieb, bir-ragunament tieghek, dan ikun ifisser li l-poplu jkun qed jemmen li l-PN mhux se jitla fl-elezzjoni ta' wara !! Dawn huma t-tejoriji brillanti li qed jghallmukom bfl-AZAD ? Lill-habib tieghi Mosti, Edwin Vassallo, nghidlu taf min inqeda b'min ? Inqdew bik - ghax ma mar ebda ministru jew segretarju parlamentari jew ufficjal tal-PN f'Xarabank - halli ma jilghaqux jew jirtiraw iz-zeblih kollu li zebilhu lil Franco Debono. U hallew lilek tilghaqu u tistiednu meta huma u l-PN ghal darba darbtejn ghidtulu IRRIZENJA. U li hu qisu tifel zghir etc..etc.! Issa sta ghal Franco Debono jiddeciedi hux se jzomm mad-dikjarazzjoni li ghamel b'mod mill-aktar car - LI LEST JAHDEM MA KULHADD IZDA MHUX THT LAWRENCE GONZI BHALA PRIM MINISTRU ! nkunu nafu nhar il-Hamis ! Eddy Privitera
It-tort ta Franco Debono It-tort ta Joseph Muscat It-tort ta Gaddafi It-tort tad-divorzju It-tort ta l'air Malta,id-dockyard, tal-linja l-antiki, tal-monti,tal-kunsilli lokali(pl),tal-kesha li qed taghmel,tal-bu munqar ahmar, tas-super one,u bil haqq ghax kont se ninsa ta Alfred Sant!!!!! Ta Gonzi P.N.? U mela qed tiggennen man? Dak the king of kingsss l-aqwa prim tad-dinja!!!!!!!!
Sorry: I meant to type "crumbs" although one should hope that it doesn't all end up (metaphorically) in a big crump.
Malta's experiment with joining the EU is going to be put to the test. Politics aside (if that indeed were possible in Malta's case even for a second!)both sides agreed to EU membership. So both seem to be getting the chance to prove what was good about it for Malta. In an atmosphere that the EU "idea" might not have been good for anyone except perhaps for Germany!! At the end of the story, Malta had no choice really - so in it we are and we all see what happens. Malta's strengths are (if one can call them so)low wages, a sort of "cottage industry" that exists- people still make do and while many say they are unemployed they dabble in many things (maltese ingenuity!). But whoever turns out to be in government soon, they are going to have a few serious problems.And most Maltese can do better to work for Malta's good rather than the bullshit partisan energies they all expend which yields nothing for the country although it keeps them busy and ready to pick up the corrupt crumps from their political masters!!!
@ Antoine Vella.......what you said is just dumb. Whether Labour can do any better is a good question though! And if they do somehow do better - how is the question.
ara l-akbar ambaqru li ghandom il PN huwa bla duppju ta xejn Edwin Vassallo, jizel bi Franco , ipoggi idejh fuqu sa kwazi jilaqu, kieku qallu biex ibuslu il warrani kien jasal basta ma jitliefx il Poter. Biex jghid li Malta qeda fqaghda tajba u fl-istess hin S&P tawna certificat ta downgrade, issa zgur waqa fiz zuffjett, jiddipjacini ghal Mostin li ghandom membru Parliamentari daqsgekk imbecilli
Imma dan Gonzi vera bezzul miskin ta, ghadu kif qalilna il bierah stess li ghandna certifikat mil EU li ghandna il finanzi taghna fis sodd u dlonk hargu dawn ta Standards & Poor u malajr tawulna ic certifikat. Jew bezzul jew inkella jahseb li kulhadd imbecilli bhall dal l`anbaqru ta Edwin Vassallo li tghidx kemm pprova jilghaq lill Franco wara li kemm ilhom jghajjruh. Tohduwiex bi kbira jekk ghada johorgu stqarrija u jwahhlu f`Joseph Muscat ghax kulhadd ghandu tort minn barra huma.
The mere possibility of a Labour government is already affecting the economy badly.
Kollox hazin gej .... waqt li Edwin jiftahar kemm is-sitwazzjoni ekonomika hi tajba, tohrog din l-ahbar. Tal-biki iktar minn kemm beka Edwin lil Franco!!!
This is a bad news for Malta; beside financial instability brought about the ''finanzi fis-sod' lie, we also have to add political instability; incredibly the par 'idejn sodi' is in denial and was going on a dates harvest in Tunisia and camel riding in Qatar!
According to Francis Zammit Dimech on Net TV on Wednesday, and Mario DeMarco also on Net TV yesterday, everthing is perfect in this little island of ours. They both confirmed that we have settled the budget problems with the EU earlier this week and the economy is running perfect. But Moody appears to have concluded quite the opposite. Can these two gentlemen explain the discrepancy?