Malta signs anti-counterfeiting trade agreement

Malta has become a signatory to the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) – which is seen by critics to be an international version of the controversial SOPA bill – signed by the EU and member states at a ceremony in Tokyo today.

Despite protests in Warsaw that saw 20,000 people take to the streets, Poland signed the controversial ACTA.

ACTA is a treaty whereby countries agree to deal with intellectual property infringement in a similar fashion, particularly in areas like music, movies, drugs and fashion, where intellectual property theft is common.

The clandestine nature of negotiations between the signing nations and the fact that in relation to internet piracy it initially recommended 'three strikes' remedies have only served to stoke up opposition from the public.

According to the Electronic Frontier Foundation, it contains several features that raise concerns for consumers' privacy and civil liberties, as well as legitimate commerce, innovation and the free flow of information.

ACTA, EFF argues, also limits developing countries' ability to choose policy options that best suit their domestic priorities and levels of economic development.

Either way, the treaty was signed today by European nations, including Malta, Belgium, the UK, Austria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Bulgaria, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.

The signing took place at a ceremony at Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The treaty has already been signed by Australia, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore and the US.


This move to limit our freedom of speech and the freedom to share information is being carried our in an underhanded manner so as not to arouse our attention. We have to stand up and complain unless we want to wake up one morning to an empty internet page with no facebook, no twitter, no music files, no movie files. This is censorship in its worst form Big Brother is watching us.
Mid dehera skond dan l artiklu fadal li jkun hemm diskusjoni f Gunju qabel ma tista tigi decisa li tidhol b mod ufficjali ; Nissoponi li jekk tghaddi nistghu nispiccaw b Internet reistrett daqs dik tal Cina, u din mhux cajta; nispera li il mep's ta Malta ma jhallux xi haga bhl din tghaddi f Pajjizna..
Mid dehera skond dan l artiklu fadal li jkun hemm diskusjoni f Gunju qabel ma tista tigi decisa li tidhol b mod ufficjali ; Nissoponi li jekk tghaddi nistghu nispiccaw b Internet reistrett daqs dik tal Cina, u din mhux cajta; nispera li il mep's ta Malta ma jhallux xi haga bhl din tghaddi f Pajjizna..
Mid dehera skond dan l artiklu fadal li jkun hemm diskusjoni f Gunju qabel ma tista tigi decisa li tidhol b mod ufficjali ; Nissoponi li jekk tghaddi nistghu nispiccaw b Internet reistrett daqs dik tal Cina, u din mhux cajta; nispera li il mep's ta Malta ma jhallux xi haga bhl din tghaddi f Pajjizna..
Mid dehera skond dan l artiklu fadal li jkun hemm diskusjoni f Gunju qabel ma tista tigi decisa li tidhol b mod ufficjali ; Nissoponi li jekk tghaddi nistghu nispiccaw b Internet reistrett daqs dik tal Cina, u din mhux cajta; nispera li il mep's ta Malta ma jhallux xi haga bhl din tghaddi f Pajjizna..
zeppiQawra... dal gvern xej, mep's laburisti ivvutaw favur "acta", u mhux l-meps nazzjonalisiti.. fact.
zeppiQawra... dal gvern xej, mep's laburisti ivvutaw favur "acta", u mhux l-meps nazzjonalisiti.. fact.
zeppiQawra... dal gvern xej, mep's laburisti ivvutaw favur "acta", u mhux l-meps nazzjonalisiti.. fact.
zeppiQawra... dal gvern xej, mep's laburisti ivvutaw favur "acta", u mhux l-meps nazzjonalisiti.. fact.
zeppiQawra... dal gvern xej, mep's laburisti ivvutaw favur "acta", u mhux l-meps nazzjonalisiti.. fact.
zeppiQawra... dal gvern xej, mep's laburisti ivvutaw favur "acta", u mhux l-meps nazzjonalisiti.. fact.
zeppiQawra... dal gvern xej, mep's laburisti ivvutaw favur "acta", u mhux l-meps nazzjonalisiti.. fact.
zeppiQawra... dal gvern xej, mep's laburisti ivvutaw favur "acta", u mhux l-meps nazzjonalisiti.. fact.
zeppiQawra... dal gvern xej, mep's laburisti ivvutaw favur "acta", u mhux l-meps nazzjonalisiti.. fact.
Anonymous will hopefully help us on this!
Dan il-gvern inkredibbli , jiffirma minghajr ma hadd ikun jaf , il-gvern ftahar kemm il-darba minhabba li hafna kumpaniji tal-medicina generika qieghdin jinvestu hawn Malta , imma issa b`dan l-iffirmar gej il-gwaj ghal dawn il-kumpaniji , ezempju wiehed s`issa dawn il-kumpaniji setghu jibdew jahdmu fuq prodott li ghadu bil-patent , imma ma jistghux jikkummercjalizzawh , li dan biex jirnexxielek tikkopja sempliciment pinnola trid is-snin ,u malli jaghlaq il-patent ikunu jistghu jaghmlu launch tal-prodott, imma b din il-ligi dawn il-kumpaniji jistghu jibdew jahdmu fuq il-prodott meta jispicca il-patent , u allura iridu jghaddu snin sakhemm ikunu jistghu jikkummercjalizzawh , u hekk igawdu il-kumpaniji kbar biex ikomplu jisiqu lil min hu marid u batut.
Lino Camilleri
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The oppressively strict regulations could mean people everywhere are punished for simple acts such as sharing a newspaper article or uploading a video of a party where copyrighted music is played. Sold as a trade agreement to protect copyrights, ACTA could also ban lifesaving generic drugs and threaten local farmers' access to the seeds they need. And, amazingly, the ACTA committee will have carte blanche to change its own rules and sanctions with no democratic scrutiny. ******************************************
Lino Camilleri
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Lino Camilleri
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Lino Camilleri
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@farrugiaanton I agree but what's new?
Why was this agreement signed with only a small percentage of the Maltese citizens knowing? Were we forced to sign it because we are in the EU? Or were we not supposed to know what was happening? I knew bits and pieces of information from social networks and news from other countries, but most of my friends did not know anything about it. I am confused and I would like to know more about how the agreement was signed, how it will eventually affect us, and what is going to happen next.
Why was this agreement signed with only a small percentage of the Maltese citizens knowing? Were we forced to sign it because we are in the EU? Or were we not supposed to know what was happening? I knew bits and pieces of information from social networks and news from other countries, but most of my friends did not know anything about it. I am confused and I would like to know more about how the agreement was signed, how it will eventually affect us, and what is going to happen next.
What does this achieve for Malta's development?What about the right to privacy? This is SHAMEFUL (and they know it, since they negotiated everything in secret). These countries point their fingers at China and Iran for monitoring the Internet and then they do the SAME THING. ACTA is just using protecting obsolete business models originating from other countries that failed to adapt to the Internet.It's not like we have a thriving IP/copyright economy here.It also opens the door wide open for widespread survellience by the ISP's to protect their own interests, since any copyright infringement committed on their networks will lead to penalties for their business. ‘Three strikes’ policies that cut off people's access and blacklist them for sharing content are unconstitutional. Malta needs to withdraw from this ILLEGAL act
Why did we sign this bill? This represents threat to our freedom of speech, freedom of expression and our privacy. Not to mention that this bill will give unlimited power to large corporations to stop the distribution of any generic life changing drugs (like the cure for cancer) due to patents. Someone signed this agreement without notifying the people, this is irresponsible and should be stopped. Who is responsible for this?
Under whose ministry does this fall? I want to know who NOT to vote for. The corruption on which this agreement is based is sickening.