GRTU gears small business up for Libyan opportunities

Pharmaceutical entrepreneur leading GRTU foray into promising Libyan market.

The Chamber of SMEs (GRTU) is leading a business offensive into the Libyan market for operators in food handling, construction, finance and investment, and maritime services.

Pharmaceutical entrepreneur Mario Debono, who financed a humanitarian shipment of aid to Libya during the conflict in 2011, recently signed a memorandum with the Misurata chamber of commerce for assistance with Maltese businesses.

At a well-attended meeting for GRTU members, Debono said that there were new opportunities in the new "different" Libya, with business set to become "more transparent and healthy".

"If the approach is right, Maltese businessmen can achieve success in Libya... no sectors will be excluded and we will go into detail of all the interests, capacities and capabilities of our members," Debono said.

The GRTU will be leading sector specific delegations, coaching members in their approach, helping in finding partners and making contracts and the required basics such as background research, visas applications, access to finance, and setting up.