Central Bank governor warns 'austerity courts negative macroeconomic spiral’

Central Bank Governor and ECB Council member Josef Bonnici has taken a swipe at broad austerity measures being adopted across Europe, signalling a “danger of negative macroeconomic spiral.”

Central Bank Governor Josef Bonnici
Central Bank Governor Josef Bonnici

Addressing a national conference organised by Finance Malta, Central Bank Governor Josef Bonnici said that "fiscal consolidation across most of the euro  area carries the risk of downward macroeconomic adjustment," adding that    "in today's circumstances, there is the danger of a negative macroeconomic spiral."

Bonnici warned that "weak economic growth leads to reduced government revenue, which in  turn raises the deficit and debt ratios, and therefore may require  further budgetary tightening and austerity measures."

Higher debt-to-GDP ratios thwart corrective action, he said, in particular when growth is feeble. "And the higher the debt ratio, the greater the risk of a situation where the debt dynamics become unsustainable, such as when the growth rate of the economy falls short  of the interest rate paid on the debt," he added.

Still, it is "inevitable" that fiscally troubled governments should seek to cut their deficits, and with that comes economic weakness, he  said.

Nonetheless, it has to be asked whether the negative impact on incomes and employment can be mitigated, he said.

This could be possible  via "a judicious mix of government spending and revenue options so as to  reduce the depth and duration of the slowdown."

Increased use of EU cohesion and solidarity funds could be the answer here, he said, though he conceded that this would probably imply  an expansion of the EU budget.

Without mentioning countries by name, Josef Bonnici was cautious not to irk Germany, and remarked on how "not all member states are in a stressed environment, and  it may be possible to consider other financing options, especially where  bond interest rates in some member states are rather low, even below the  inflation rate."

"EU level solidarity and cohesion assistance may prove a crucial catalyst to the required structural  changes."

As markets continued to show unease following reports on an EU plan to counter an eventual exit of Greece from the eurozone, Bonnici said that "despite the efforts being made by policy makers across the European Union, the sovereign debt  crisis continues and its ramifications are still uncertain. The recent rise in Spanish yields and the turbulence in Greece are evidence of  this." 



Alla ibierek issa intebhu ta Gonzi PN li ghandna bzonn inrazznu d-dejn nazzjoni. Izda tajjeb inkunu nafu min, kien responsabli fit-tmexxija ta Malta matul dan l-ahhar kwart ta seklu fejn gie akkumulat dan id-dejn kollu. Il-buzillis hi li wara li tal klikka ta Gonzi PN hadu l-lahma hallew l-ghadma ghal kumplament tal poplu x'igerrem.
Tghid l-Uiversita' inghatat il-flus biex tohloq dipartiment gdid ghat-tahrig fl-ekonomija biex ikun hemm sodda lesta ghal meta l-Profs jispicca mill-Bank Centrali u jkollu s-sodda mifruxa?
malonki Mintoff kien induna x'inhu u ghalhekk ma tax kasu.
Dak li ma nistax nifhem huwa il fatt kif dawn il bravi li imexxu il finanzi fil pajjizi kollha tad dinja, b`mod specjali fl`ewropa jipretendu li bl`awsterita( kelma ohra ghal taxxi )ser iggib il pajjiz fuq saqajh. Kemm ser iddum tqatta u tiehu mic cekk tal paga tal haddiema ? Tiehu 5 % mod u tehodlu 70% mod iehor.Hemm limitu ghal kollox.Jekk cittadin ma ghandux l-anqas biex jghejx huwa u il familja tieghu, kif il gvern jipretendi li ihallas ? Jien ma nifhimx fl-ekonomija, pero nemmen li jekk thalli il flus fl`idejn, dak li ikun ikollu x`jonfoq, meta qeghed jonfoq ir rota ta l-ekonopmija iddur, meta qeghdha iddur qeghdha tiggenera ix xoghol, ix xoghol igib ix xoghol...u hemm fejn il pajjiz jghamel il progress. Issa jekk issib gvernijiet haljin u jonfqu il beni tal pajjiz bl`addocc, hemmhekk huwa il gwaj.Meta ghandek il klikkek, hemmhekk l-inkwiet.
Kemm qieghdin sew !!!! Issa qed jitkellem b'dan il-mod il-gvernatur tal-Bank Centrali li fl-antik tant dam jitkarrab biex iservi bhala konsultent tal-perit mintoff meta kien prim ministru u baghat jghidlu kemm hu bravu !!!! Issa qed jiftah halqu ghax sema' xi mexxejja ewropej jghidu diskors f'dan is-sens dawn il-granet? Ghax ma harigx b'din l-ideja xi tlett xhur ilu mela jigi jghidha issa ghax sema' lil haddiehor jitkellem dwarha !!!!! Bilkemm ma jippretendix imur imexxi l-IMF tarax !!!! Haga wahda naf nghid - li dawn l-ekonomisti, bankiera, konsulenti finanzjarji gerfxu wahda sew lid-dinja u lill-ekonomija mondjali u issa taparsi qed johorgu b'tejoriji godda biex isalvawna - halluna bi kwietna, tridux?
before Francois Hollande became President of France the only financial doctrine coming from the EU was austerity. Now everyone is acknowledging that there is a ray of hope, there is a humane way out of this financial mess, there is a socialist way.......