Enemalta losses, drop in STM exports contributed to negative growth – Tonio Fenech

NSO data confirms drops in household consumption, meagre increases in exports and government expenditure.

Tonio Fenech said the effects of Enemalta's losses evidently impacted growth after government decided not to raise energy prices. (Photo: Ray Attard/Mediatoday)
Tonio Fenech said the effects of Enemalta's losses evidently impacted growth after government decided not to raise energy prices. (Photo: Ray Attard/Mediatoday)

Updated with clarified statistics at 6:40pm.

Finance Minister Tonio Fenech has attributed Malta's recessionary slide due to some €22 million in losses incurred at Enemalta, and a drop in exports for ST Microelectronics.

In comments to MaltaToday, Fenech said the fact that the utility rates had not been increased had contributed to further losses at the national energy corporation.

"But this confirms the position taken by the government at the start of 2012, that the deteroriation of the international economy, particularly in the eurozone, and the increase in the price of oil would impact the country," Fenech said.

Malta experienced two consecutive drops in growth of its gross domestic product of -0.3% and -1% between September 2011 and March 2012, indicating the economy's slowdown may be experiencing a recession.

In real terms, GDP decreased by one per cent - household consumption fell by 4.4% in the last quarter compared to the same quarter last year. but government spending had increased by 10% (q1:2012 compared with q1:2011). Additionally, the NSO data states that exports in the fourth quarter of 2011 increased by 3% (compared to the same quarter in 2010), and by 0.79% for the first quarter of 2012 (compared to the same quarter in 2011).

Fenech said Enemalta's losses were a direct result of the rising price of oil, and it was evident the effects of these losses would impact GDP after government decided not to raise energy prices.

"Without the negative impact from Enemalta, Malta would have had a nominal 2.4% increase."

Fenech was upbeat about other economic sectors, saying exports rose by 4.3% but a drop in exports at ST Microelectronics had left its mark. "Despite all this, Malta retains low levels of unemployment, the highest level of job creation in the EU, and as the statistics show, salaries paid out this year were 3.3% higher than the last quarter of 2011."

While Fenech has tried to remain upbeat about the disappointing results, Labour MEP and economist Edward Scicluna said a cursory look at the GDP statistics provided a very murky picture of what is going on.

"There is a stated 'error' between the three methods of GDP measurement of about €135 million, so it's hard to get a clear picture. What's clear is that consumers are holding back from spending more than their incomes allow them. While their nominal incomes increased by 3%, their consumption fell by 3% in nominal terms. Profits overall fell too though taxes increased substantially.

"Sector wise it looks like incomes in the financial sector have reached a plateau over the last year. The 'productive' sector which includes manufacturing fell significantly. The overall export sector managed to hold its real value over the year and perhaps increased marginally in real terms too."

Former Mid-Med Bank chairman and economist Alfred Mifsud also said the data suggests the shrinkage in the Maltese economy was taking place concurrently with an increase in government expenditure. "This could be actually hiding the real depth of the recession that Malta is in.

"Despite government's expenditure during that time, the overall economy has contracted nevertheless. This means the private sector has contracted even more," he said, because government spending was mainly in the public sector.

"This is worrying because it is the private sector that earns the real money," Mifsud said. "This suggests that the [recession's] real depth is bigger than what the figures are suggesting and that government spending could have 'inflated' the country's economic performance."

Provisional estimates indicate that the gross domestic product (GDP) for the first quarter of 2012 amounted to €1,556 million, an increase of 1% compared to the corresponding quarter last year.

There was a major fall in wholesale and retail trade, a broad category that also includes motor vehicle repairs, transport and storage, accommodation and food services, which fell by 20% in the fourth quarter 2011, and again by 7% in the first quarter of 2012.

The rate of growth overall fell from 4.8% to 1.6% in the fourth quarter of 2011, and to 1% in the first quarter of 2012.

l-onor Tonio Fenech, bhal Prim Ministru ma ridtx jammetti il verita.
Govann Demartino tghidx kemm ftahar li tant hawn flus li kulhadd jixtri karozzi,ecc. Li ma qalx dan l-ex-ghalliem, minghalija, u jmissu jaf ahjar, li xi hmistax ilu harget statistika tassew interessanti fejn sirna nafu li l-Maltin ghandhom djun li jammontaw ghal 11,000,000,000:HDAX-IL BILJUN ewro !!. Possibbli ma qrajthiex din Govann ?. Jew qrajta u ppruvajt tinsiha wara li damdmitek ?. Ghax ma jghidx Govann l-anzjan ,li l-bicca l-kbira tan-nies huma midjunin bhall- gvern li jappoggja hu . U Govann ghandu ghalfejn jithasseb jekk il-GonziPN jitlef l-elezzjoni ghax hemm minn tal-familja li bhalissa sejrin tajjeb hafna u rashom fix-xghir, allura jibza' li tinqataghlhom iz-zejza. Mhux hekk Govann ??!!
U dan meta rega sejjer fil kunsill ta B'Kara forsi jtejjeb naqra il finanzi tal kunsill?
Kollox jahti u kullhadd, minbarra HU u GONZIPN.
It doesn't require an economics expert to see the terrible state of Malta's finances. It is obvious that the country is living and spending well beyond its means. Unfortunately it seems that the government does not really care about these issues but is burying its head in the sand! The excessive spending that is taking place in government organizations is evidence of this. The end result is going to be a big disaster for Malta and the public in general will bear the brunt of this. All jobs and posts created by the government,etc. from 2011 should be checked and investigated by the Labour party once they are elected. Many unnecessary jobs and posts have been created and are being created from 2011.
Dan ma jafux bih fl-UE ghax kieku jibghatu ghalih biex isolvilhom id-dizastru li jinsabu fih il-pajjizi kollha tal-UE.
@xifajk Ha nikkorigilel l-ahhar linja, dawn qatt ma kellhom ruh socjali siehbi. Ara l-istorja taghhom u tara li ghandi ragun. Dawn qatt ma kienu favur il-haddiem u anqas ikunu. Kilba ghal poter iva kemm trid. Ara qatt qablu ma xi haga li ghamel il-partit laburista, minn zmien it twelid tieghu, dejjem kontra. KIENU GHADHOM U JIBQGHU.
Heqq ma fhimtuhx lil tonio fenech? jien iehor naqra bejn il-linji nahseb !! Dak prludju biex jergu jgholew il kontijiet tad dawl, biex jitlaqulna bil mod al menu.Nistennew u naraw!! Imma ghal anqal kun dicenti u twahhalx f haddiehor ton.
Imma bis-serjeta, ghandna nibqaw nisimaw dawn ic-cucati. Possibli li il-finanzi ta Malta tiddependi minn fabrika wahda biss. U jekk din titlaq, jaqaw immutu bil-guh?? U fuq il-prezz tal fuel, kif dan nizel u ma nisimaw xejn bi tnaqqis, imma b'telf tal Enemalta. Mhux bil-fors in nies jaghmlu l-ekonomijja. Ilom tant ittambru biex naghmlu l'ekonomijja. U issa qed jaghdinna li sejrin hazin ghax qed naghmlu l'ekonomijja. Kemm sejrin indum nibilghaw dawn ic-cuccati. Ghadd tigi il-gurnata li inkunu nafu il-verita kollha, imbad jaghdunna ''Malta falliet tafhux''. Imsieken ahna, u minn sejjer jigi u is-salvana bhal Grecja?
Joseph Sant
Malta is just barely managing to keep it's nose above the water despite this government not because of it! We just happen to be a nation of hard working and intelligent people with a culture of saving for the rainy day. However, when the rain becomes a deluge I really don't know what will happen to us. Hopefully by that time we would have gotten rid of this incompetent government whose only priority seems to be cutting the ribbon on the new Parliament building. Do these people every look at a mirror?!
May I ask why making public this information that Malta is in recession when the majority of the Maltese population is focused on the Football Nations' Cup? Normally by April, NSO already has statistics available. Why 2 months as elapsed since making this information public. I wonder.
ST Microelectronics is no longer competitive and its exports suffered because it is paying a lot of high utility rates - the highest in Europe and the Government still says that we are booming. The 3% growth that this the same Minister stated in the last budget shows how this Minister is not capable of running our nation's finances. The projection of 3% out of course is major. As Dr. Alfred Mifsud is saying, the recession can be worst, I think about -4%. Hail GonziPN....I hope the electorate keeps this in mind that the present Government is bad news for the whole nation.
Naturalment il-filjozz ta' gonzipn li kien dahhal il-kunsill lokali ta' birkirkara go hajt bid-dejn li taqqlu bih (biex imbaghad ghamel l-istess haga bil-kaxxa ta' Malta !!!!) malajr sab xi zewg skuzi biex taparsi ma gara xejn ghax issa dhalna f'recessjoni - wahhal fl-ST u fl-enemalta IMMA MHUX FIH STESS U FIT-TMEXXIJA EKONOMIKA TA' GONZIPN !!!! Seta' pero sab xi skuzi aktar sexy - fejn naf, li s-settur tal-kostruzzjoni mar lura ghax issa spicca x-xoghol f'certa villa f'hal balzan !!! Insomma l-kantaliena tas-soltu - kif ikun hemm xi haga kerha li ma ddoqx lil gonzipn u l-klikka tieghu l-ewwel haga li jghidu ibqa' cert li tkun: IMMA TAF GHAX GARA HEKK? GHAX ...... (u erhilu jara x'se jivvinta ...)
U hadd milli ikkumenta ma jaf fiex jintefqu l - flus l - Enemalta , kontu tafu li CEO ghamel flat b - lussu esegerat bhala parti mill- ufficju tieghu ! Ghandha Monopolju , kissret lil klijenti bil - prezzijiet u xorta tghamel it - telf. Min jaf min jinnegozja x - xiri taz- zejt kemm ibati guh. Pajjiz li sar tal- misthija
Stqarrija xokkanti tal-Ministru Fenech. Jigifieri l-Ministru qed jghidilna li wara 25 sena ta' PN fil-gvern, Malta ghadha tiddependi mill-produzzjoni ta' kumpanija (SGS) li giet fi zmien il-gvern Laburista? Ghajb ghalik Ministru. Dawk tghidu li kienu zmienijiet tat-terrur u ghaks. Iz-zejt wahdu qed jitla' f'wicc l-ilma. Dawk kienu zmienijiet tal-gid u progress bhalma jixdhu dawk il-fabbriki li kienu jhaddmu mijiet ta' haddiema f'Malta u Ghawdex.
Mamma mia, it is always someoene else's fault. I am surprised Fenech did not say it is the fault of the PL and Joseph Muscat! We are being governed by a group of big headed, power hungry, arrogant incompetents.
Hon Tonio Fenech, kieku kont ragel u kellek ftit dicenza kont immedjatament tirrizenja u mhux tara f’min twahhal. Inthom qatt ma ghandkom tort. Dejjem haddiehor huwa fl’ izbal. Ta min huwa it-tort, tal-poplu Malti jew tieghek u ta shabek, Hon Fenech? Ghaliex, jekk m’ intix kapaci tmexxi, ma twarrabx? Ara l-Hon Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici warrab. Nispera li isir vot ta sfiducja, kemm kif ukoll fil Gvern Nazzjonalista kollu. Nispera li bl-izbalji tieghu il-Poplu Malti u Ghawdxi fl-ahhar tghallem. Mela biex hallejt €80 miljun jintnefqu fuq balla hadid (il-Parlament il-Gdid), li dawk tad-Dockyard u shipbuilding kienu aktar min kapaci biex jaghmlu w inthom behhejtu bis-soldi dawk il-kumpanniji w gharmejtu dak l-eluf ta haddiema kollha u miljuni ohra fuq il-power station tal BWSC (bil-heavy fuel oil) u issa laqtu dak li ilu jghid il-Partit Laburista biex imorru ghal gas, kont ragel bizzejjed biex tberbaq bl’addocc. Biex jintnefqu miljuni ohra fuq karozzi, performance bonuses, hela u sparparjar iehor bhal bridge ghal gol-bahar, ufficini aqwa minn tas-slaten, meta hemm hafna lanqas jisthoqilhom centezmu wiehed, biex naghtu kuntratti ezorbitanti lil konsulenti u miljun haga ohra ta tberbieq bl’addocc dak kontu kapaci? Tahsbu li mhux kulhadd jaf imexxi hekk? Issa qeghdin tghidu ukoll li l-poplu mhux jonfoq bizzejjed. Kif triduh il-poplu jonfoq jekk bil-kemm ghandu x’jiekol? Lil poplu ma stamjtuhx bhalkom infuskom ghaliex inthom hadtu €500 fil-gimgha u lil poplu tajtuh €1.16. Nixtieq inkun naf fejn qeghdin imorru it-taxxi ezagerati li tfajtulna fuqna. Insejtu kemm gholew id-dawl u l-ilma, gas, petrol u diesel, gholi tal-hajja. Tazza gelat saret tiswa €2.50 (Lm1.07), bicca bezzun (hobs) li kien jiswa €0.039 sar €0.125. Din hija is-solidarjeta mal-Familji li tiftahru biha. Din hija l-ajghta “Flimkien kollox possibbli”. L-unika haga li tghidu u li hija verita hija “Ghalina u ghal uliedna”, fi kliem iehor tfisser “inthom u uliedkom”, u il-poplu biz-zokk. Nispera f’ALLA li ma jdumx ma jasal zmien il-kontijiet. Tal-Lejber kienu saru arroganti wara 16 il-sena, imma inthom mhux biss sirtu arroganti, imma sirtu minghajr ruh Socjali.
'Enemalta losses, drop in STM exports contributed to negative growth' – Tonio Fenech. At last no shipyard and shipyard workers to take the blame. We were used to hear Gonzipn blaming the shipyard workers, and the subsidies given to them. Now EneMalta. Thunderstorm approaching EneMalta as it did on Shipyard, Go, Bus Drivers and lately AirMalta.
Dan l-istess suppost L-Awditur Tonio Fenech Ministru li smajtu jitkellem sa ftit granet ilu? Jien ghandi xi dementia tghidli qalbi ghax qed nithawwad forsi hux? Hawn xi hadd jista jghidli ghax forsi mhux l-istess bniedem li ftahar li Malta hi l-aqwa fost il Pajjizi fl-Ewropa finanzi fis sod sa ftit granet ilu?. Thawwad, issa jien forsi Sur Giovanni Demartino jispjegali ghax fuq blog iehor qieghed jghid li dehlin kwantita ta karrozzi jinxtraw min barra, imma li ma qalx kemm hemm min jidhol f'dejn u kemm qed jigu ripossessati djar u karozzi u nies fil qrati falluti.
the only growth is, deficit, over spending and arrogance.
kieku? kieku ghandna ministru kompetenti kieku tajjeb.