Smartcity developers tell Labour project needs long-term approach

Dubai owners tell Joseph Muscat they will honour contract requirements ‘in line with current international context’.

Dubai Holding CEO Ahmad Bin Byat (second left) is flanked by Labour leader Joseph Muscat in a visit to the Tecom owners' headquarters in Dubai.
Dubai Holding CEO Ahmad Bin Byat (second left) is flanked by Labour leader Joseph Muscat in a visit to the Tecom owners' headquarters in Dubai.

The developers of Smartcity Malta have reassured their commitment to Malta and their investments on the island, after hosting a delegation of the Labour party in Dubai led by party leader Joseph Muscat.

In a joint statement, Tecom Investments - part of the state-controlled Dubai Holdings - reaffirmed it will continue meeting the requirements stipulated in their contract with the government "in line with the current international context", a statement that hints at the current slowdown on works at the Xghajra internet village.

Works at Smartcity slowed down drastically over the past years following the 2008 financial crisis, with a pledge for thousands of jobs not yet having materialised.

In the meeting with Dubai Holding chief executive Ahmad Bin Byat and Smartcity CEO Fareed Abdulrahman, as well as Deepak Padmanabhan, chairman of Tecom subsidiary Go plc, Muscat discussed the prevailing conditions in the telecommunications firm, current market trends and employee management.

Tecom said in its statement that Smartcity needed a long-term approach "an approach that [we] have been advocating since inception" and called for continuous synergy in promoting SmartCity Malta.

Muscat said Labour was reaffirming its support for SmartCity Malta and stressed that it must be seen as a national project. "While continuing to hold the current administration responsible for all its political pledges regarding SmartCity Malta, a new government, if elected, would honour the ongoing commitments and will provide a new impetus to the project's progress," Muscat said.

Labour said in its statement that Tecom had to work to attract investment to Malta irrespectively of the Maltese electoral calendar. "Such investments would have the support of Partit Laburista," the PL said.

It is clear Labour have won this chess move hands down. In a very recent STOM interview, the PN were kicked in the face by Smart City themselves. The PN had milked all there was to milk from this story in 2008,and have been shown up as untrustworthy, avid opportunists. The business plan timeline for employee involvement in this project was always very long term; not like it was trumpeted to be by a certain Austin. Is there emerging a too consistent repeat scenario for everything else?
Micheal Bonanno
@fenea. Il-PL maqdar l-ismart city minhabba li din kienet se tkun land speculation ohra. U filfatt inghata ragun. Dwar il-miljun lira, li ghadek thewden fuqha, ikkalkula daqsxejn b'kemm hrigna biex dhalna fil-EU u kemm dahhalna. Trid tghodd id-dejn kollu li ghandna, specjalment mal-Grecja. U tinsiex ukoll, dalwaqt irrid insiru net contributors u ma nibghux net receivers.
Il-kritika tal PL meta kien thabbar il progett ta Smart city dejjem kienet li jispera li dan il progett veru ikun wiehed ta IT u mhux spekulazzjoni tal bini. Mill banda l-ohra tal PN holqu hlieqa li ser joholqu 5700 impieg fi ftit snin. U, il verita x'inhi illum wara 5 snin li beda il progett? Sirna nafu mill laghqa li kellu JM ma Tecom li dawn qed ibassru li iridu madwar tnax il sena biex jimpjegaw l-eluf, l-aqwa li webblu lis-istudenti biex jiehdu korsijiet f'IT. Li zgur hemm illum wara dak il ftahir kollu tal PN huma Uficcju, cafeteria u klinika,li ihaddmu bejniethom xi 19 il persuna u IT xejn.
IL LABOUR MIL BIDU NETT MAQDAR IL PROGETT TA SMART CITY U QAL LI SE JKUN JIKKONSISTI BISS F'BINI RESIDENZJALI U KULL MA GHAMEL IL GVERN KIEN BISS LI BIEH L-ART LIN NEGOZJANTI. In a joint statement, Tecom Investments - part of the state-controlled Dubai Holdings - reaffirmed it will continue meeting the requirements stipulated in their contract with the government "in line with the current international context", a statement that hints at the current slowdown on works at the Xghajra internet village. Works at Smartcity slowed down drastically over the past years following the 2008 financial crisis, with a pledge for thousands of jobs not yet having materialised. DAN HUWA DOKUMENT IFFIRMAT MIN TECOM U DUBAI HOLDINGS LI GIDDBU IL KRITIKA QARRIEQA TAL PARTIT LABURISTA. SALGISTER FUQ IS 7000 HADDIEM IZ ZMIEN GHAD ITINA PARIS. IL GIDBA FAHXIJA KIENET TAL PARTIT LABURISTA META QALILNA IL MALTA SE JIRNEXXIELA IGGIB BISS MILJUN LIRA MIL EU.
Il-Labour kien dejjem favur Smart City, Kif tista tkun kontra investiment bhal dak?. Kien kontra kif kien sar il-kuntratt u l-mod inkompetenti ta' GonziPN kif kien qed jinnegozja. Issa mar iwitti t-triq biex jekk il-poplu jafda l-pajjiz f'idejn il PL dak li Tecom kienet intrabtet bih ikun imwettaq wara li GonziPN bl-inkompitenza tieghu kien halla Sub station u li minhabba din l-inkopmpetenza Tecom ma laħqitx l-aspettativi taghha u kienet ghalhekk mahlulha minn kull irbit ( Kliem Austin Gatt dan) . JM ghax hu leader serju u responsabbli ma marx ixewwex lil Tecom kontra Malta , imma mar biex jigbor dak li GonziPN bl-inkompetenza tieghu tilef. Nahseb li niftakru tajjeb li meta l-PN kien fl-oppozizzjoni kien imur ukoll barra minn Malta, imma mhux biex jitkellem favur Malta imma biex jaghmel il-hsara u jbieghed l-investiment. X'differenza hux!
Micheal Bonanno
@Fenea. Il-PL ma maqdarx l-Ismart City. Maqdar u kkritika l-agir irresponsabbli tal-Gvern bil-ftahir zejjed tieghu li dan il-progett ser ihaddem il-fuq minn 7,000 ruh. Insejtu meta fil-festi ta' l-Indipendenza bdejtu ssemmu kollox bi Smart, ez. Smart Malta? L-ipokrezija qieghda fi hdan il-PN u dan jidher mill-fatt, li mhux veru kien hemm ipprogettat li ser jithaddmu 7,000 ruh. Kienet gidba fahxija minn-naha tal-PN qabel l-elezzjoni.
Micheal Bonanno
@Fenea. Il-PL ma maqdarx l-Ismart City. Maqdar u kkritika l-agir irresponsabbli tal-Gvern bil-ftahir zejjed tieghu li dan il-progett ser ihaddem il-fuq minn 7,000 ruh. Insejtu meta fil-festi ta' l-Indipendenza bdejtu ssemmu kollox bi Smart, ez. Smart Malta? L-ipokrezija qieghda fi hdan il-PN u dan jidher mill-fatt, li mhux veru kien hemm ipprogettat li ser jithaddmu 7,000 ruh. Kienet gidba fahxija minn-naha tal-PN qabel l-elezzjoni.
Labour said in its statement that Tecom had to work to attract investment to Malta irrespectively of the Maltese electoral calendar. "Such investments would have the support of Partit Laburista," the PL said. DAK LI QED JGHAMEL IL GVERN TA GONZI JAHDEM BIEX IHAJJAR L-INVESTIMENT. U IL PARTIT LABURISTA IMAQDAR U JIPPROVA IFIXKEL BISS.
Muscat said Labour was reaffirming its support for SmartCity Malta and stressed that it must be seen as a national project. X'IPORKREZIJA - HAWN MALTA JM IMAQADAR IL PROGETT SMART CITY IMBAD IMUR DUBAI JURI IS SUPPORT TIEGHU LEJN IL PROGETT. IPOKREZIJA GRASSA JEW LAQIZMU. QUO VADIS JOSEPH MUSCAT?????????