Maltese prices at 77% of EU average, but is highest for consumer electronics

Price levels varied in 2011 from 51% of the EU27 average in Bulgaria, to 142% in Denmark.

Malta has the highest level of prices for consumer electronics, according to data published by Eurostat, at 125% of the EU's base 100% average.

In 2011, price levels for consumer goods and services differed widely across member states. Denmark (142% of the EU27 average) had the highest price level, followed by Sweden (128%), Finland (125%) and Luxembourg (122%).

Malta's price level was at 78% for all goods and services - among the ten lowest price levels in the EU, according to the Eurostat data, which puts it the area of price levels between 20% and 30% below the average. The lowest price levels were found in Bulgaria (51%).

However price levels for food and non-alcoholic beverages in Malta were at 94% of the European average, compared to prices for restaurants at 77% of the EU average.

Clothing is one of the groups of products showing a smaller price variation among Member States, with Bulgaria (75% of the average) cheapest and Sweden (133%) most expensive. Consumer electronics6 is another group of products where prices differed less among Member States, ranging from 89% of the average in Poland to 125% in Malta.

Yes I noticed this when checking out a Logiteck Squeeze box. On a local (save your money, ha ha!) site- nearly €200. From, €130 INCLUDING shipping. No wonder Maltese businesses are losing it.
Paul Sammut
These figures do not mean much unless wage buying power and quality of goods and standard of services are also considered.