Developers demand penalties against MEPA overs injustices to applicants

Malta Developers Associations calls for remedies ‘to preclude MEPA from carrying out injustices’

The MDA says MEPA should be fined when it carries out injustices against applicants.
The MDA says MEPA should be fined when it carries out injustices against applicants.

The Malta Developers Association has protested that the planning authority had no deterrent stopping it from carrying out injustices over the consistency and punctuality of its decisions, after MEPA issued two legal notices on new penalties for illegal development.

"MDA does not defend illegal development in any way and therefore it agrees that MEPA should have at its disposal an effective deterrent to curb this abuse," the MDA said in a statement.

"But it is high time that MEPA becomes also subject to penalties when injustices are suffered by applicants as a result of its actions or inaction."

The MDA said MEPA had no clear policy on renewals of existing permits, insisting that all permits issued by MEPA under the current planning regime should be automatically renewed.

"MEPA has not yet committed itself to an unambiguous written policy on renewals of development permits. The lack of a clear policy on renewal of permits means that holders of permits do not have any guarantee that their permits would be renewed unless relevant sites are committed.

"Although the current slowdown in the property market indicates that it would not be in their interest to carry out all approved developments within the validity period of relative permits, developers are concluding that they have no alternative but to start works since this is the only way to ensure that their permits are not lost. This leads to an increase in sites where development works have been started but not finished," the MDA said.

Nahseb li wasal iz-zmien ukoll li l-MEPA tinghata poteri biex tibda tipprotegi d-drittijiet tal-girien li jkunu joqoghdu ma' genb is-siti fejn ikun qed isir l-izvilupp u mhux wiehed ikollu jitla' l-Qorti ghas-spejjez tieghu biex jithallas tal-hsara li jkun wettaq l-izviluppatur waqt it-twaqqigh u l-bini, hafna drabi minhabba traskuragni. Nixtieq nistaqsi: il-MEPA taghmel spezzjonijiet regulari fejn ikun tiela' l-bini biex tara li l-izvilupp qed isir skont il-pjanta u skont ir-regolamenti?
Mepa is another small dockyard, the country cannot give them money for their poor performance,
Luke Camilleri
AND may these penalties be charged against the perks and performance bonuses of MEPA CEO Austin Walker and his cronies! They are not delivering! They just cost too much , the country cannot afford them anylonger!
'Legal', though immoral, building development approved by MEPA has ruined the countryside and environment by thousands of unwanted appartments, with a lack of open spaces and 4 floors+penthouse streets all over Malta. What does the MDA want now, to go on raping our country in order that its members continue fattening their pockets?