Updated | Fenech says revised deficit target could be 2.5% in 2012

After Moody’s rating agency predicts deficit narrowly touching 3% ceiling, finance minister admits government won’t reach 2.2%

Tonio Fenech said he is working on a budget that will include a revised deficit target.
Tonio Fenech said he is working on a budget that will include a revised deficit target.

Updated at 4:34pm with additional comments

Finance minister Tonio Fenech said the government is will be revising its 2.2% deficit target for 2012 slightly, but said this would remain well below the 3% of GDP threshold set by the EU's Maastricht criteria

"I don't want to speculate over what the deficit will be," Fenech told MaltaToday when asked whether this will reach 2.7%, last year's deficit.

"It could be 2.3%, 2.4% or 2.5% - our target is to remain as close as possible to our budget targets. It is too early to speculate on precision but we will stay under the 3% threshold, and not just by a little margin."

Coming a day after Moody's credit rating agency said it expected Malta's deficit to rise to 2.9% by the end of 2012, this is the first time Fenech has suggested the government will not be able to reach the deficit target it set itself.

"We have to keep in mind that during the year the government had had to take certain decisions by not increasing utility bills and help Enemalta due to its liquidity problems. Government also took the decision to increase healthcare spending by increasing operations and medicinal provisions, decisions that the public knows have been positive for them."

Fenech also said government would step in to assist Enemalta, which is experiencing cash flow problems due to the increase in oil prices.

"It has nothing to do with the political cycle of the election," Fenech said when asked whether the deficit would be growing due to pre-electoral spending. "The increase in health spending and the reduction in ministerial expenditure elsewhere has nothing to do with the election."

The finance minister also insisted he was still working on a Budget for 2013, when asked whether the government will actually go ahead with a budget - as Lawrence Gonzi's unstable majority faces a new threat from MP Franco Debono, who recently claimed he won't support the government's budget.

"Can I give a guarantee that I will present a budget? I know that I am working on the budget right now," Fenech said.

Moody's Investors Service has affirmed Malta's A3 government bond rating, but insisted the economic outlook remained negative.

Moody's said the key drivers were the government's successful consolidation strategy, which brought the 2011 fiscal imbalance below the 3% of GDP ceiling under the EU's excessive deficit procedure.

Although the deficit should remain below 3% of GDP, Moody's believes that the fiscal imbalance will increase to 2.9% in 2012, before declining to 2.6% in 2013.

These forecasts imply a continued, but slowing, increase in national debt. The rating agency expects general government debt to rise to 73.7% of GDP in 2012 and 74.5% of GDP in 2013 before trending downward.

Malta's structural deficit has reached an unprecedented €333.3 million in the first seven months of this year, €95.1 million more over the first seven months of 2011. Official data released by the National Statistics Office showed that the increase in recurrent revenue of €72.4 million was outweighed by a sharp rise in total expenditure of €167.5 million. This widened the government deficit by €333.3 million.

In a separate statement issued by the Department of Information, the finance ministry reiterated it had reduced the deficit from 3.6% in 2010 to 2.7% in 2011 - 0.1% better than targeted in the budget for 2011.

"We did this notwithstanding the difficult economic climate that prevails within the European Economy.  The deficit projected for 2012, set in the estimates as 2.3% continues to be an important target that this country needs to achieve notwithstanding the pressures on public finances being caused by higher oil prices and other expenditure pressures," the finance ministry said.

Fenech also expressed his concern that the lower growth rates achievable due to a worsening economic climate at an EU level, pose additional challenges to achieve these financial targets.

However, as stated to MaltaToday, Fenech reiterated that Government was committed to ensure a deficit level significantly lower than 3% and closer to the 2.3% budgeted.

Fenech added that the increase in government's expenditure during this year was due to the assistance given to Enemalta, to Air Malta, the substantial increase in the budget for medicines and the increase related to different sectoral agreements, including pay rises to the Police Corps.

"Despite this, we took a number of measures and continue to identify further savings to compensate for any increases in the above expenditure items - as is usual practice throughout the financial year," he said.

@briffy...Tant hawn demokrazija li jien u int niktbu taħt nom-de-plume! Tant hawn demokrazija li min jivvota kontra l-gvern jitkeċċa! Taqnt hawn demokrazijia li biex tingħata l-kura kontra l-kancer trid tkun blu...lili kieku jħalluni mmut u liliek isalvawk briffy!!! Tant hawn demokrazija li l-ministri jagħmlu li jridu u min jikkritikhom jitneħħa! Tant hawn demokrazija li minn wara dahar kullħadd sħabek serqu lil poplu 600 ewro kull wieħed fil-gimgħa. Int tidher tifhem ħafna fid-demokrazija. Ghalhekk tħaddan partit li lanqas maġġoranza parlamentari ma' baqgħalu u baqa' hemm. Daqs Dom Mintoff u Dr.Sant demokratiċi intom!!!!
@Matteotti....Commodities include grigio not olio d'oliva. Jew ma tifhimx, jew trid ticcajta. U min jiccajta, zaqqu mimlija u kuntent. Zaqq vojta m'ghandiex SOH. Taparsi kulhadd fqir u mejjet bil-guh, imbaghad hlif tgergir fuq it-traffic ma tismax. Ghax illum kulhadd ghandu karozza, grazzi ghal-progress kbir li qatt ma rajna qabel. U illum rega' ghandna id-demokrazija u allura kulhadd jista' jghid u jikteb li jrid, minhajr ma jibza' ghal hajtu u ghal hajjet il-membri tal-familja tieghu
'Besides the daily and hourly changes in the price of commodities'...hekk qalilna briffy u għandu raġun għax kollox jgħola bis-siegħat minbarra l-pagi!!!!!
briffy@maltanet —Pity they don't offer their know how and their expertise to the Eurozone countries;no we leave it to the experts like tonio fenech & co. that's what he is suppose to be paid for not play with numbers .Regarding the he cost of damages of the thunderstorm a couple of days ago it is true , but it was the government responsibility to clean and prepare the valleys and culverts in mid August so the damages would at least be minimized. But for gonzipn this is all a game.
Briffy, rather than insolent, infantile, school yard catcalls, it would have been fairer to your fellow Maltese citizens to analyse for them (or else get your beloved PN financial gurus to do it)the very high cost of living that shackles Maltese families to a very strictly-constrained financial lifestyle (having to borrow more and more to get by), in comparison to their EU cousins. Please do not go for the usual drivel of comparing with the worst performers, and then claiming we are not so bad. This has now become an overused, old cliché. Malta did not join the EU to provide a lowly comparison point for other nations! Then again, I suppose, your only, real interest is to try to subdue any and all fair criticism of your material God, the PN.
Fake promisses and a fake useless minister.
It's indeed amusing to read the comments posted by financial gurus. Pity they don't offer their knowhow and their expertise to the Eurozone countries; they will surely be accepted with open arms and it will mean the end of such nincompoops as Mario Monti, Draghi etc. Their stupid comments betrays their ignorance. Obviously they don't know a thing about what they are talking about. They are oblivious to the fact that revision exercises are carried out every other week throughout the year, and that it is extremely difficult to predict revenue and expenditure, particularly at this time when things change by the day if not by the hour in the countries of our trading partners which have an impact on Malta's performance. Besides the daily and hourly changes in the price of commodities, there are the consistent fluctuations in currency (Eur/$ fo r example)and a thousand other variables. Moreover even in the local scenario, things change very quickly and non-anticipated events happen every day - who could factor in for example the cost of damages of the thunderstorm a couple of days ago? But then maybe, as long as one pokes some fun at their pet hates, it's all in the game.
Imma kemm jifilħu jħawdu dawn?? Gonzi jgħid mod u siegħa wara dan jaqleb kollox ta' taħt fuq. Jiena kont serraħt rasi bli qal Gonzi(!) imma issa ġie dan u reġa ħawwadli l-wires!!! Xi jħawwdu istra!!! Aqla ja poplu!!
2.5% in 2012? Yeah, right! ;-) Ma ndahhqux Toninu!
The marines got fed up of this baloney, coming from Tonio' lips a customary piles of fidgety deficit targets, now they refer him to the Astronauts!
kif ma tisthux il veru wicckom qaghat ghal kollox..Ta fuqek jghid li qeghdin sewwa u int tghid il kontra...LIL MIN HA NEMMNU...VIVA GONZIPN
Luke Camilleri
Mela Tonio fenech QATT zamm ma xi target? Bi hsiebu jzommu issa ? Min irrid jithaq b'min? Forsi qieghed jiprova jithaq bil-Boss tieghu!
Luke Camilleri
Mela Tonio fenech QATT
Nahseb li l-Ministru Fenech kien itella' t-Tombla f'xi kazin tal-banda daqs kemm ihobb iffajjar numri. Kieku xi darba semma figura u gietu sewwa! Hekk ikunu l-ministri tal-finanzi ta veru.
"It could be 2.3%, 2.4% or 2.5% -mela hsiept li qighad tilab is supper 5. Haddum taghqa ghan nejk bil figuri ton.