Labour leader should explain his solution to Enemalta debt - minister

Finance minister says Enemalta debt being paid off through gradual incorporation into tariffs over 20 years.

Finance minister Tonio Fenech.
Finance minister Tonio Fenech.

Finance Minister Tonio Fenech played down claims by Opposition leader Joseph Muscat that a €50 million loan taken out on the national debt would appear on Enemalta's existing €700 million debt.

In comments to MaltaToday, Fenech said that the Labour leader had to explain how he was expecting not to pass on the capital investment Enemalta was undergoing into the tariffs for the energy it produces.

"Muscat confuses basic tenets of accountancy. He says he disagrees with Enemalta incorporating its rate-on-capital-employed into its tariffs, which is the revenue it requires to pay back its capital investment. A normal company performs big investments by loaning the money from a bank, then raising its tariffs gradually over 20 years to recoup the money it loaned.

"This is what Enemalta is doing to pay off its interconnector with Sicily. The question is, how would Muscat raise the revenue he needs for Enemalta?"

Fenech also insisted that Enemalta's revenue remains independent revenue, when asked whether all debt incurred by the energy corporation is guaranteed by government.

"Enemalta is an independent entity, and in the EU's official statistics this debt does not get added to the national debt. If Muscat is going to pass on Enemalta's debt onto people's taxes, he should tell us exactly what he is going to do."

Fenech also defended recent data which, although showing Malta emerging from its recession with 0.9% growth in the last quarter, saw household consumption decreasing as well as compensation of employees falling across seven out of 10 industries listed in the NSO data.

"The average was increased by 3% and it is good to remind people that two days before the official statistical release, Labour MEP Edward Scicluna wrote in the newspaper saying that Malta would not come out of the recession.

"The truth is that Malta's economy grew and new jobs have been created. We have the fifth lowest unemployment rate in the EU, which shows that Malta is performing well," Fenech said.

The latest GDP data for the April-June period shows that domestic demand, which comprises consumption by households and government, and investment fell by 1.5%, continuing from falls of 1% in the first quarter of 2012 and 0.2% in the last quarter of 2011.

Consumption trends for local households, after growing by 1.1% in Q4 of 2011, fell by 2.3% in Q1 of 2012, with the decline steepening further in Q2 to 3.2%. Growth in compensation to employees slowed down to 2.6% in Q2 of 2012.

First step....change the amateur and incompetent minister of finance.
@ briffy. Mela sew qal Franco. Li jekk taghmel hazin Gonzidcgpn jitkaza bik, pero jekk taghmel tajjeb jkun jrid jiehu il-prosit hu. Hekk sew mela farrku il-pajjiz bid-dejn u issa qed jaghmluha tal-ipokriti u jippruvaw jdahhqu billi jistaqsu lill Joseph x'se jaghmel. Intkom lill-poplu ghidtulhu li jumejn wara li erbahtu l-elezzjoni ziedtu lilkom nfuskom dawk il-famuzi 600 euro fil-gimgha ? Ma ghidtu lill hadd. Gonzidcgpn qal lill xi hadd li it-tnaqqis tat-taxxa kienet gimmick? Le ma qal li hadd anzi qad jilghab bil-paroli u jitnejek bin-nies. Allura kif tridu li hadd iehor jafdakhom ? Stennew ftit u la tinqaleb il-folja, Malta kolla tkun taf id-disastru li hallejtu u wara nara.
Jghgidilna kif se jsolvi d-dejn ta l-enemalta u tal-pajjiz min ghamlu. Issa sewwa, iddandnu bil-progress???? li qalu li ghamlu u issa nafu li kollox sar bid-dejn. X'int bravu ministru.
Tonio Fenech is the minister and gets very well paid for his job, so we expect HIM to find solutions, not ask others to find solutions for him. Please don't try to pass on your mistakes on others!
Jigifieri wara 25 sena ikissru u ifarrku fl`enemalta, ISSA iridu lil xi hadd jghejdilhom kif ser johorgu mid dejn li ghamlu b`negligenza, trasgurangni `bad managment` u.....Kieku nikmanda jien..kollha niskrutinakhom, infittex sa l-anqas karta...dik l-ewwel soluzjoni....
Jista l-Ministru jikkonferma jew jichad jekk thallsitx jew le il Power Station ta Dellimara wara aktar min 25 sena mibnija? Veru jew le li s'issa ghadna qed inhallsu biss l-interessi fuq il 200 miljun li giet tiswa?
B'min trid titmellah Ton? Int trid tiftahar bil-holqien tal-impjiegi meta Malta fost is-27 pajjiz ta' l-EU tinstab fit-tielet post mill-ahhar f'dak li hu numru ta' nies jahdmu? Tisthu jmisskom u mhux tiftahru.
L-ewwel ghamilt id-dejn int u siehbek Austin u iss trid is-soluzjonijiet. Tieghek x'inhuma? Ghidom!!
Zack Depasquale
Tajba din GonziDCGPN ilu 25 sena fil Gvern nehhi sentejn u ma solviex il-problemi tal-Enemalta anzi aghraq is-sitwazzjoni iktar u jrid lill-Dr Muscat itiegh soluzzjoni meta Dr Muscat l-anqas ghandu il-fatti kollha.Nahseb il-Ministru Tonio jippretendi li ntugh xi hames snin ohra igawdi 600Euro extra fil-gimgha biex jipprova jsib soluzzjoni.
Mario Pace
Why doesn't the Minister explain how his government let Enemalta accumulate 700million euros in debt. Leaving the first Delimara power station unpaid before embarking on the BWSC power station. This he should explain and not ask the leader opposition what he is going to do!!!
Sewwa ukoll; igerfex GonziPNu jippretendi li wara ikollu is-soluzzjonijiet ghat-tgerfix tieghu Muscat: u jghajjru! X'insolenza!
Sewwa ukoll; igerfex GonziPNu jippretendi li wara ikollu is-soluzzjonijiet ghat-tgerfix tieghu Muscat: u jghajjru! X'insolenza!
Priscilla Darmenia
Hon Fenech, I am sure you have not the faintest idea of what is going in at Enemalta otherwise you will not speak like that. / I too do not have an idea and also I also do not have the power and resources to look in Enemalta and its operations. / From what I hear and read I have some (perhaps) stupid suggestions. / 1 Enemalta is working inefficiently – make it efficient and if need be replace a few heads with more capable persons. / 2 According to many, Enemalta is over staffed (one reason for inefficiency) – trim the staff and eliminate the parasites that go to work but do not give their full contribution. / 3 Enemalta, or so they say, is loosing a lot of unbilled units in the grid – improve the grid where such losses occur. / 4 Have the procurement buy oil more efficiently. I still cannot understand why at times we have our electricity bills raised when the international oil prices go down. / 5 Make an environmental law to rid the bureaucratic MEPA from issuing permits for renewal energy equipment like solar panels and small wind generators. These should be installed like one install a TV antenna – without any application and bureaucracy. / I am sure that if you put your ear to the ground and hear the experts out there, they give you perhaps a thousand and one other suggestions. All you need is the will power, and not the nice words you give us, to implement them.
Anette B Cassar
Tonio, Please explain to us how PN governments have managed to accumulate all that debt in Enemalta.
First he asks fellow mp franco debono for enemalta solution and then opposition leader joseph muscat.what is this finance minister doing for his enemalta solution?
Sur Misistru huwa veru li Malta ghandha il-hames l-anqas rata ta' nies jirregistraw ghax-xoghol. Imma huwa veru ukoll li Malta ghandha kwazi l-anqas rata ta' nies jahdmu. Il-gid tal-pajjiz jikkrejawh in-nies jahdmu u hawn Malta qedha kwazi qabel ta' l-ahhar.
Ara veru l-Ministru Fenech qieghed hemm biss ghal paga, ilu ma nafx kemm il-sena Ministru u ghadu ma jafx kif ser isolvi l-problema ta' l-Enemalta. L-ewwel haga li ghandu jaghmel hi li jaqta l-hela ta' hlas u bonuses ghalxejn li qed jaghti lil irjus il-kbar, t-tieni li min mhux jaghti sehmu sewwa jqacctu minn hemm u t-tielet id-dejn li ghandha l-Enemalta sar taht it-tmexxija tal-gvern tieghu li suppost kellu soluzzjoni ghalih minn qabel, imma bas-soltu niddejnu issa mbaghad naraw kif inhalsu wara. U dwar id-dejn mhux l-Enemalta biss ghandha d-dejn imma l-Gvern innifsu minn jaf kemm il-miljuni kbar ghandu dejn ma kumpaniji Maltin? Issa tispara l-bomba wara l-elezzjoni anticipata f'Novembru.