Agricultural producer prices increase in second quarter of 2012

During the second quarter, producer prices for agricultural output and input prices increased by 3.5 and 3.7% respectively when compared to 2011.

The producer price index for agricultural products in the second quarter stood at 119.87 points, up by 3.5% from 115.81 points in the corresponding quarter of 2011 according to the National Statistics Office.

An increase in the fresh vegetables price index ( 4.4%) was essentially brought about by a general decrease in their supply. As a result, higher producer prices were registered for cauliflowers ( 52.4%), onions ( 24.9%) and sugar melons ( 23.8%). Similarly, the price of potatoes rose by 22.3% over the comparative quarter.

During the second quarter, the fruit price index registered a decrease of 13.8%. This was mainly due to an increase in the production of strawberries, the price of which dropped by 35.1% over the comparative period in 2011.

The animals slaughtering index rose by 2.8% over the comparative period in 2011, as higher prices were registered for bulls ( 12.2%) and pigs ( 5.6%). Furthermore, the animal products index registered an increase of 3.5% on account of higher producer prices fetched for eggs ( 24.7%).

The input price index for agriculture went up by 3.7% from 139.34 in the second quarter last year to 144.45 in the comparable quarter this year.

The goods and services index, which records movements in running costs, registered an increase of 3.8% over the comparative period last year. This increase was attributed to higher prices of motor fuels ( 6.3%) and animal feeding stuffs ( 5.4%). In contrast, prices for veterinary services declined by 4.7%.

The machinery and investment index increased by 2.2% over the corresponding period last year on account of higher prices paid for materials ( 3.1%) and buildings ( 1.4%).

Dr Gonzi, the Nationalist Government and the Nationalist party, you have something to be proud of and that is you had the ability to take the maltese Nation back to the SIXTIES, were poverty was rampant. Dom Mintoff and his Government had the misfortune to pull this Nation out of the rubbish dump that we were in during the sixties. Today we're back where we left in the sixties. If one spends some time near one of these vendors selling vegetables, one can see people buying two carrots, tomatoes, marrows, onions etc etc. This is the kind of poverty you manage to get this Nation in. During the Labour Administration one couldn't find some kind of choclate, but they were able to go abroad with the money earned and buy it. Comprasons are odious but one has to compare the Nationalists administrations with the Labour one. I hope that the day will soon be here when we can say "GOOD RIDDANCE TO BAD R...ISH"