Chamber of Commerce sets up remote gaming business section
Key players set up remote gaming business section to develop growth of industry.
A number of key players operating in the remote gaming industry in Malta joined the Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry to form a remote gaming business section.
Its executive committee is composed of Simona Camilleri (Chairperson), James Palmier Gonzi (Deputy Chairperson), George Debrincat and Edward Mifsud (Members).
The section will represent the remote gaming industry and establish official channels of communication with the authorities at local and European levels for the purposes of pursuing the industry's interests.
The section will also develop a strategy that would seek to ensure that locally-based operators enjoy a business environment that is conducive to the long-term development and growth of their business; review on an ongoing basis the legislative and regulatory framework applicable to Malta and abroad and to submit recommendations aimed at ensuring the necessary flexibility in the local regulatory environment to ensure Malta's attractiveness to the industry at the international level.
Firms operating in the remote gaming industry that are interested in joining the Business Section are invited to contact the Malta Chamber Secretariat on e-mail: [email protected] or telephone: 21233873.