GRTU rails against summer half-days at MEPA and MRA

The Chamber for SMEs has said the construction industry has been thrown into confusion because employees in the Malta Environment and Planning Authority and the Malta Resources Authority are on half-days and on summer leave.

Specifically, the GRTU is saying that the slightest inefficiency inside MEPA is leading to a stop in work at the quarries, work it says “depends on a small number of people who process papers” and that when they are on half-days the process is automatically lengthened “and stops when they are on leave.” The situation appears to be manifest during the summer season. “Quarrywork stops, as does the production of cement, which is required for the construction of roads and buildings. It’s as if those responsible don’t care,” the GRTU charged. The chamber said both authorities were being mismanaged with the consequence that the construction industry was unable to find its feet. “The people responsible for MEPA and the MRA know that the industry is a main contributor to the country’s gross national product. It is not fair that the government pays millions to save other people’s jobs, while others in construction seem to be forgotten.” The GRTU has already expressed its opposition to the increased MEPA tariffs.

GRTU, you have lost all credibility with the majority of the people and you are showing what slave-drivers you are. Leave the summer half-days alone. How about investigating the highway robbery going on in your members businesses especially the pharmacy sector?
malcolm mizzi
The GRTU has lost all its credibility. Iddahkuniex. In nofs ta nhari ilhom tant, issa qed iwaqffu l-industrija tal-kostruzzjoni? Il GRTU mhux fuq hekk missa titkellem. Ghandha titkellem fuq dawk l-importaturi tal-medicini li tghidx kemm serqu lil poplu u ghandha taghmel min kollox biex dawk il flus li serqu jaghtuhom lura lil poplu.