Actavis plans to lay off 64 workers by end of year

Finance Minister Tonio Fenech intervenes, calls on Malta Enterprise to hold urgent talks with Actavis.

Following the taking over of Actavis by American company Watson, the pharmaceutical company today announced it will close down its research and development unit in Bulebel and would be laying off 64 workers by the end of the year.

In a statement, the Finance Minister said he had instructed Malta Enterprise to hold urgent talks with the company. The ministry reassured that the company would still keep employing some 1,000 workers and the restructuring will not effect those employed in manufacturing, sales and marketing.

The ministry said that talks between Malta Enterprise and Actavis should result in alternative solutions, including any help by government, to find a solution for the 64 workers.

"The company's decision to restructure, which was taken on an international level, shows that there are still big difficulties out there and highlights the need for prudent decisions and policies to protects current jobs and create new ones."

... kulma jrid jaghmel tonio - li wiccu ttondja sew dan l-ahhar forsi ghax ghandu hafna ammiraturi - hu li jibghat arlogg ta' malta ta' hamest elef ewro u/jew platt tal-fidda ta' xi tlett elef ewro lil actavis ...... u ibqa' zgur li kollox imur sew ....
Minister Fenech, the takeover was announced early last year. Why did you have to wait for today's announcement to do something? Why didn't you have discussions with watson and Actavis last year proactively to prevent this happening? It is now difficult for them to move away from something that has been announced. This sums up your attitude to manufacturing - too little, too late!