EP sets up special committee on EU budget framework

Louis Grech MEP has been appointed member of the European Parliament’s Special Committee on the EU Budget post 2013 (SURE).

The proposal for a decision on the setting up of a special committee on the policy challenges and budgetary resources for a sustainable European Union after 2013 was adopted during plenary on Wednesday 16 June. MEP Louis Grech, along with another 49 MEPs have been chosen to form part of this committee.

This Special Committee will serve to define the Parliament's political priorities for the post-2013 multi annual financial framework (MFF), both in legislative and in budgetary terms. It will also carry out an estimate of the financial resources necessary for the Union to obtain its budgetary objectives and ultimately establish the link between a reform in the EU's financing with the review of expenditure.

This Committee will be established for a term of 12 months, starting from 1 July 2010 and will present a report on its proposals to the Parliament for approval before July 2011. The first meeting of the SURE Committee took place last Thursday in Strasbourg.