Government seeking alternative employment for Baxter layoffs

Baxter to move assembly line to Tunisia.

Minister for the economy Chris Cardona said the government was committed to ensure 97 Baxter employees facing redundancy will be employed by the end of 2013.

Cardona said he was only informed yesterday of Baxter's decision to relocate its assembly department to Tunisia, a move which threatened the livelihood of 97 employees. "We spoke to the management who revealed that the decision had been taken weeks ago. We tried to find a solution but their decision was final. We understand Baxter's position but at the same time we must find an alternative place of work for the layoffs."

Cardona said the government had already started discussions with other entities. "Our commitment is that by the end of this year they will be absorbed. We understand what these workers are going through and we are with them."

Cardona added that the new government was caught by surprise, saying that not even the workers' union, the General Workers Union, was aware of the plans. "We are not even aware of whether any discussions took place between the company and the previous Nationalist administration. This government is ready to work with everyone and we're looking forward to work with the shadow minister to be appointed from the Opposition," Cardona said.

Din kienet ilha gejja - jekk inhu veru kif smajt li Baxter se jitrasferixxu l-Assembly ghat-Tunezija. It-Tunezini issa tghallmu, grazzi ghat-tahrig li tawhom il-haddiema Maltin ta' Baxter stess matul dawn l-ahhar 15-il sena. U ghall-Baxter Corporation l-ispiza tal-produzzjoni fit-Tunezija hija ferm inqas minn Malta u, bhal-dejjem, l-Amerikani jigu jaqghu u jqumu mill-konsegwenzi, u jtajjru u jqacctu skond kif jaqbel lilhom.