Former Labour Party president Mario Vella appointed chairman for Malta Enterprise

Tony Zahra appointed chairman of Malta Industrial Parks

File photo: 1997, Mario Vella (second from right) - also seen are former, now re-elected ministers Anton Refalo, George Vella, and former PM Alfred Sant and (now MEP) John Attard-Montalto
File photo: 1997, Mario Vella (second from right) - also seen are former, now re-elected ministers Anton Refalo, George Vella, and former PM Alfred Sant and (now MEP) John Attard-Montalto

Former Labour Party president Mario Vella has been appointed chairperson of Malta Enterprise, the government's investment promotion arm.

Vella lectured in foreign direct investment and development at the University of Urbino, Italy, and was formerly chief executive officer of the Malta Development Corporation, predecessor to Malta Enterprise, and in the private sphere the director of the foreign direct investment consulting services at Grant Thornton.

The rest of the Malta Enteprise board will be composed of Toly Products chief financial officer William Wait as deputy chairperson, and directors Anton Borg (Chamber of Commerce deputy president), Michael Grech, Bortex managing director Peter Borg, David Marinelli, Victor Carachi (General Workers Union president), clothing franchise owner Marlene Seychell - dubbed by Labour media as one of its electoral 'switchers' - and David Curmi (CEO at MSV Life) as representative from the Chamber of Commerce. The GRTU has yet to appoint its representative.

The new chairman of the Malta Industrial Parks corporation will be Tony Zahra, president of the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association, Joshua Zammit - formerly MEA president and now part of the Air Malta management team, as well as having served as an advisor to Joseph Muscat during the electoral campaign; former One TV chairman Michael Vella Haber, Anita Mangion (business development manager at the Demajo Group's Exigy Ltd), and Jeremy Dalli.

malta taghna lkoll skond ghal min. X'ser jigri ghal dawk li gew imkeccija mill- MDC ? Jibqa b'xiber imnieher wara hafna weghdiet.
@ Malta suppost taghna lkoll You don't need any experience to be on the Board. Marlene Seychell was a (supposed) 'switcher'. Mystery solved!!!
Victor Carachi is GWU president and not deputy secretary general!!!! Also Peter Borg is the managing director of Bortex. cannot but understand why Mrs Seychell is on the board!!!! What experience does she has in industry/incoming investments/industrial estates and factories???? She is only involved in retail outlets!!!
Go ta xhajma xi kummiedja ohra bhall korsa tan-Niksu jonqos terga tigi ivvintata, forsi jergghu jinbnew xi partita djar minn fuqha bhall ma kien gara. Insomma f'liema kurutur ta mohh li mhux mignun jitkebbes il-hsieb li jitpogga Komunist f'kariga bhal din.Taghna lkoll din il-kumpanija tejatrali u l-Gahan Malti icapcap.
....wot ? no comments...ooh sorry I forgot...MERITOCRACY...
Niftakru sew dak ir-ritratt f'Ta Xhajma, n-Nadur Ghawdex. Dr Mario Vella dak inhar kien tkellem u ppropona industrial area f'Ta Xhajma ghan negozji z-zghar Ghawdxin. Erga ahseb fuqha u wettaqha Dott. Nixtieqlek success.