‘Government must carry out necessary reforms to bring deficit down’

GRTU says excessive deficit procedure is bad news that must be countered by concerted effort from all stakeholders in implementing necessary reforms

The Chamber of SMEs (GRTU) has called for an urgent meeting to be held at the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development, to discuss Malta's deficit as the European Commission prepares to launch an excessive deficit procedure to get Malta to bring its fiscal shortfall to below 3% by 2014.

In a statement, the GRTU said that Malta could achieve a 2.7% deficit by 2014 if government employs all stakeholders, irrespective of political allegiance, in implementing the necessary solutions to cut spending and generate revenue.

"If this situation is not given the attention necessary and the urgent priority it requires, irrespective of any electoral promise, the weak economic growth and lack of job growth will only worsen. The EC's decision is damning for Malta and takes us back to difficult times."

The GRTU claimed that the EDP could have been avoided had political leaders and MCESD shown more maturity in addressing major social and economic issues and reforms. "The Commission did not give much weight to the fact that Malta's is an open economy that depends on its external environment. The Maltese authorities should have insisted with the EC consider this before taking the economy into excessive deficit procedure for the third time."

The GRTU also said it was a mistake for the Labour opposition not to support the Budget 2013 in December, which was not passed after Nationalist MP Franco Debono voted against it, saying that this tarried economic growth in the ensuing four months of electioneering. "The political confusion of 2012 drowned out Malta's positive economic momentum, and the long electoral campaign was of no help to Maltese enterprise... important reforms in pensions and health financing were shelved without regard to public spending, when they had to be treated with urgency."

Din dahqa ghax din mhux il GRTU tkrllmet ghan nom tal membri imma xi Vince Farrugia il hamsa bhas soltu u Paul Abela ex Pn, ghax ma tkellmux qabel l-elezjoni, Vince jekk jghgbok dejjem tipprovax tilghab ballun politiku ghax ha terga taqa fin nixef
David Bongailas
Jigifieri bazikament il-grtu qieghed tghid lill-gvern insa dak li weghdt u issikka kemm tiflah ic-cintorin. Issa jekk il-gvern jaghmel dan il-grtu ser tohrog tghid kemm ghandna gvern bla qalb u kemm il-gvern qieghed johnoq l-smes?? U il-grtu il-vot kontra il-budget ra ikrah ? Xi nghidu ghall-fat li kelna kampnja elettorali ma tispicca dan kiollu biex i-pn jirbah aktar hin u jipprova jeieghed u jnessi kemm jiflah!
I am totally unimpressed by this EU! What is the EU about! it seems more of a big boss that tries to control small countries like Malta and interferes in all that we do! Why talk again about raising pension age! What is their wrong with our health care? What are workers? Are they just simple slaves who earn next to peanuts when this EU is filled with filthy greedy capitalists who are just after control and their own pockets! Big Shame on this EU!