Deficit down by €43.6 million in first five months 2013

Revenue up by 8.7% over 2012 January-May period

During the first five months this year, the shortfall between recurrent revenue and total expenditure of Central Government amounted to €190.8 million, down from €234.4 million in the corresponding period last year.

An increase of €88.1 million in recurrent revenue outweighed the added expenditure of €44.5 million, resulting in a reduction of €43.6 million in the government deficit.

During January-May, recurrent revenue stood at €1,096.1 million, up by 8.7 per cent over last year. This increase was mainly due to higher proceeds from Grants (+€53.1 million), Income Tax (+€35.1 million) and Social Security (+€13.7 million). These were partially offset by lower returns from the Central Bank of Malta (-€12.0 million), Customs and Excise Duties (-€7.0 million) and Dividends on Investments (-€5.2 million).

Compared to 2012, total expenditure amounted to €1,286.9 million, up by 3.6 per cent, as a result of added outlays on capital and recurrent expenditure.

Recurrent expenditure increased by €11.0 million, mainly as a result of higher outlays on personal emoluments and contributions to government entities, by €14.2 million and €13.2 million respectively. Despite an increased outlay of €9.4 million on social security benefits, programmes and initiatives registered a decline of €8.4 million compared to the first five months last year. Moreover, operational and maintenance expenditure went down by €8.1 million.

Expenditure on Government's capital projects amounted to €157.8 million. The increase of €33.5 million over the corresponding period last year includes an equity injection of €40.0 million to the national air carrier, up from €20.0 million last year. Moreover, the contribution towards the Treasury Clearance Fund added €14.0 million and expenditure on road construction went up by €3.9 million. Conversely, declines were registered in investment incentives and the ICT core services agreement, by €3.3 million and €1.2 million respectively.

During the period under review, the interest component of the public debt servicing costs registered a marginal decrease and was recorded at €91.8 million.

At thee end of May, Central Government debt stood at €5,064.5 million, up by €439.0 million over the corresponding period last year. This was the result of higher short-term and long-term borrowing, which added €352.9 million and €87.7 million respectively. On the other hand, foreign borrowing went down by €11.4 million.

As a result of consolidation, lower holdings by government funds in MGSs resulted in an increase in debt of €4.3 million. The euro coins issued in the name of the Maltese Treasury went up by €5.5 million when compared to the coin stock as at the end of May 2012, and totaled €51.7 million.




Good news. And the new government has only been in office for three months. This is not long enough to erase the initial quarter of the year that the Maltese tax payer has endured under the lavish PN government whose only motto was spend, spend, spend. Now that some of those hungry chiefs have been removed, the deficit will start to come down. And by year-end it will have come down by a much pronounced amount.
this Government promised us the road to recovery and this news shows that we have now been steadily placed on this road. Let us hope that we continue on the right tracks without the road being sabotaged by the PN in the manner they are experts in.