Libya oil deal: cargoes at fixed price for Malta, say Libyan reports

Oil talks between Muscat and counterpart Zeidan agreed for fixed-price cargo delivery

Malta will be receiving oil cargoes at a fixed price from Libya, according to reports by Africa Intelligence and the Libya Herald following up on a 24 June meeting between Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and Libyan counterpart Ali Zeidan.

According to both the market-leading publication AI and the English-language online newspaper Libya Herald, Muscat got Zeida to agree to deliver oil cargos at a fixed price in a bid at reducing the island's energy bill.

"Zeidan seems to deploying a lot of oil diplomacy at present. He has already made similar offers to Egypt and Tunisia," Africa Intelligence remarked of similar agreements Libya has made.

Tunisia already benefits from a delivery of 450,000 barrels of oil a month at preferential rates until the end of 2013 and 650,000 barrels of a month during 2014.

Joseph Muscat sought the advantageous oil deal in a bid at reducing the island's fuel bill, in tandem with preparations for a new 200MW power plant fuelled by liquefied petroleum gas.

The Delimara power station's 'phase 2' extension still runs on heavy fuel oil, but will eventually be converted to run on LNG. The government has invited 11 bidders to tender for the provision of a power-purchase agreement and construction of the new power station.

Now that is commercial diplomacy at its best. The Nats should stay quiet in their opposition benches and take lessons from Labour's good governing of the country.
X.differenza! Wiehed jghid se nivvota bil-qalb halli joghlew il-kontijiet: l-iehor jivvjagga bil-qalb biex fosi innaqsilna l-kontijiet! Wiehed halla l-EneMalta f'idejn il-jackals, u l-iehor jara kif jaghmel jiffranka xi sold! Nispera li it-tax compliance unit jaraw li dawk involuti fl-iskandlu taz-zejt, ma insewx xi kont sigriet l-izvizzera ukoll! Jitkazzaw b'Mallia li hu sinjur: dan hadem ghalihom u ohrajn forsi serquhom?
X.differenza! Wiehed jghid se nivvota bil-qalb halli joghlew il-kontijiet: l-iehor jivvjagga bil-qalb biex fosi innaqsilna l-kontijiet! Wiehed halla l-EneMalta f'idejn il-jackals, u l-iehor jara kif jaghmel jiffranka xi sold! Nispera li it-tax compliance unit jaraw li dawk involuti fl-iskandlu taz-zejt, ma insewx xi kont sigriet l-izvizzera ukoll! Jitkazzaw b'Mallia li hu sinjur: dan hadem ghalihom u ohrajn forsi serquhom?
Joseph MELI
And the fixed price is....?