Union welcomes Chinese acquisition of Enemalta stake

Union, GRTU and Chamber of Commerce welcome €200 million deal by Chinese government company for capital injection

Joseph Muscat in a meeting with Chinese premier Li Keqiang
Joseph Muscat in a meeting with Chinese premier Li Keqiang

The General Workers Union's chemical and energy section has welcomed a Chinese takeover of 20% of state energy utility Enemalta.

The GWU, from whom Labour enjoys a historic backing, said the deal with the Chinese government-owned China Power Investments Corporation to put up a €200 million stake in the ailing energy corporation, said the deal would strengthen both its finances and the security of its workforce.

GWU secretary-general Tony Zarb said he had received a call from Prime Minister Joseph Muscat from Dalian, in China, where he is attending the Summer Davos Forum, "in which he gave me a guarantee that despite the size of the investment, the Maltese government would remain the principal shareholder in Enemalta, which will still be a public entity. He said this would create new opportunities for the Corporation's workers."

Zarb was also in contact with energy minister Konrad Mizzi, who reaffirmed Muscat's guarantees.

"Our appreciation stems from the fact that this agreement will improve Enemalta's financial situation, and strengthen the security of workers there," Zarb said. "We've supported the creation of green jobs and this was one of our proposals to the parties during the elections," he said, referring to a renewable energy component that will be brought to Malta by the Chinese investors.

The union's message was echoed by business associations, who said the MOU in the energy sector was important for Enemalta, a corporation valued at some €1 billion, but whose operations are wracked by €800 million in liabilities.

"The agreement is consonant with the Chamber's representations in favour of a secure, cost-effective supply of electricity for its members... we look forward to more details on the possible spin-offs of this deal," the Chamber said.

On its part, the Chamber of SMEs (GRTU) said the Chinese deal was important for Malta. "China offers many important opportunities for the growth of Maltese business. This investment should reduce the burden of debt that Enemalta has. It will also create new jobs which is why the GRTU appeals to the government to invest more in human resources in the energy sector."

Kulhadd favur li ic-Cinizi li jixtrulna id-dejn li wikkewlna Simon u shabu barra Simon Buzutill! Ara issa irid ikun jafa kif u x'fatta miskin! Qed jipprova inessi li meta bieghu 'il-family silver' ta kumpaniji li irendu kien isir kollox minn taht u kienu jghidulna fil-Parlamnet li l-informazzjoni hi kummercjalment sensittiva! Qed nitkellmu fuq kumpaniji bhal banek, Go, Mia, lotteriji, u lottu li kienu jahilbu l-miljuni. Kollox minn that kien jinhema!
@Toni Borg. Qares l-gheneb!!!
@Toni Borg First, the PN sold everything that wasn't nailed down. I was waiting for the PN to sell the pigeons in front of Castille such was their lust for more money for them to squander. The reason the PN didn't sell Enemalta is that no one wanted the debt ridden entity that the PN had created. What is really shocking is that after all the sales of essential services the PN still couldn't balance a single budget! The PL is now tasked, as usual, to cleaning up the gigantic fiscal mess that the PN left behind. Or are you also shocked that the PL hasn't already cleared the PN created huge debt load?!
The only person who crticised this deal was Simon Busuttil or should we say Simon Buzulloti!
It seems that those in charge of The Times of Malta did not like this achievement as they removed the news so quickly. Thanks to their foolishness people are looking for the details on other local e newspapers, i.e.their competitors. Thank you TOM.
Mela ma ghadniex nitkazaw issa li bena l-assi kollha tal gvern lil barrani???? U kemm hu helu Toni Zarb...x'ghaxqa ux! Issa qabel maghha!!....haha bhal dak li qallu ma konniex nobsru! Issa, la darba Toni Zarb ma jinterressah xejn mil haddiem imma biss li jdoqq it trombi tal gvern, jista lonorevoli prim ministru jajdila kif se jorhsu il kontijiet tad dawl ladarba hemm dan linvestiment barrani? Ic cinizi ha jaccetaw ir rohs jekk dan ha jkompli jfisser aktar telf ghal kumpanija???? Iz zmien itina parir...sa dan it tant nibqaw naghmlu il kutrumbajsi u il U turns min dak li ntqal u ntwieghed qabel lelezzjoni!!!
joseph mercieca
What is all this fuss about. Much ado about nothing. This is just more spin from an well oiled PR Machine. Just as Jurgen Balzan he will enlighten you.