Updated | Labour force up by 3% over second quarter 2012

Labour Force Survey estimates puts unemployment at 6.7%

Labour Force Survey estimates indicate an increase of 3 per cent in employment when compared to the corresponding period in 2012.

During the second quarter, almost half the population aged 15 and over were employed.

Total employment for the period stood at 176,862, while the number of unemployed and inactive persons amounted to 12,758 (4 per cent) and 170,614 (47 per cent) respectively.

Out of every 100 persons (aged 15-64) surveyed during the second quarter, 65 were active. The activity rate varied from 50 per cent among females to 79 per cent among males.

In the second quarter, the employment rate for persons aged 15 to 64 stood at 61 per cent, an increase of two percentage points over the rate in the previous year. This rate rose by three percentage points for females and one percentage point for males. The highest employment rate was recorded among persons aged between 25-54.

The largest share of employed men (32 per cent) were engaged in wholesale and retail trade, transportation and storage, accommodation and food service activities. On the other hand, 41 per cent of females worked in public administration, defence, education, human health and social work activities.

In terms of professional status, employees accounted for nearly 86 per cent of the total work force. Out of the total number of employed persons, 85 per cent worked on a full-time basis. On the other hand, part-time employment amounted to 21,483.

During the period under review, the average gross annual basic salary of employees was estimated at €15,730. This amount refers to the gross annual basic salary and excludes extra payments such as overtime, bonuses and allowances, as explained in the methodological notes. The highest average gross annual salary for employees was recorded in financial and insurance activities.

The unemployment rate for the period under review was estimated at 6.7 per cent. Within the unemployed population, 41 per cent stated that they had been seeking work for at least 12 months.

PN statement

A two-point increase in unemployment, to 6.7% over August 2011, was a confirmation that unemployment had increased by 800 despite Labour Force Survey estimates pointing out a 3% growth in employment.

"Unemployment fell to 6.1% in the last three months of the Nationalist administration," the PN said in a statement on the latest Labour Force Survey. "Coupled with the reduction in industrial production, and international trade, the LFS data suggests that this situation is one of concern."

"Fitch dropped Malta's credit rating because of the lack of a financial and economic plan. The PN warns the government to provide a plan for job creation, and not one for the minister's wife," the Opposition said in a reference to Konrad Mizzi's wife Sai Mizzi Liang being appointed an investment envoy to Shanghai.




Simon ma qalx li l-figuri li hargu l-gimgha l-ohra-skond ma analizzhom hu- huma xokkanti? Ahjar jara x'qed jghidu in-nies fuq l-hnizrijiet li hallew warajhom shabu; milli ikun hemm xi 'adviser' iehor li biex jghatti xturu irid jaljena in-nies!