ElectroGas price of 9c5 in line with government targets

Energy ministry says final blended price of €95.99 per megawatt is in line with expectations for energy supply price

The energy ministry has announced that the price for the purchase and supply of gas by ElectroGas Malta, the consortium that will build a 200MW liquefied natural gas plant and terminal, is in line with govenrmnet targets and expectations.

ElectroGas Malta Consortium submitted a final blended price of €95.99 per MW which equates to €0.09599 cents per kilowatt.

ElectroGas - which comprises Siemens GMBH, SOCAR, Gasol Plc and GEM Holdings - was awarded the power-purchase and gas supply agreement on 4 December 2013, after being shortlisted as the preferred bidder on 13 October. 

ElectroGas obtained an overall score of 92.2 points, with 12.2 points being awarded for additional criteria and 80 points being awarded for the financial offer.

The ministry said the notice of award was "an important milestone" in its roadmap for the energy sector.

How is then the consumer price of electricity calculated based on this cost?
fejn hu toni ta l-arloggi? tiftakruh kemm werzaq fuq il programmi moqzieza tal PBS that il regime tal pn ? kemm qal li had mil privat mhu se jhallas 350 miljun ghal powerstation gdida u li il kontijiet mhux se jorhsu ? u li dan ta alice in wonderland ?tiftakruh lil gonzi jghidilna biex nahslu il hwegg bil lejl ???? x ma tkaxkrux il pn dawk 36 elf !!
Well done qto the government that did more in 8 momths than the PN i 25 years. Prime Minister keep it up we are behind you.
Mhux ta b'xejn li tal-klikka kienu jilghabu bil-miljuni; jibnu office blocks wara l-iehor notwithsanding li kien hawn recessjoni tboss ghalina flimkien ma kontijiet imhabba l-ikandli taz-zejt li saru kollha taht wicc Gonzi u Simon li bil-fors kienu reqdin raqda aktar mill-qanfut li jorqod tulk ix- xitwa! Ghalmenu nispera li kienu reqdin!
Mhux ghal xi'haga, but .09599 should be rounded to .096 cents rather than .095 cents.
Is-sahhara ma taqbilx! Il-gas u l-acidu taghha u irhas!