3% increase in employment as average gross salary estimated at €15,772
A 6.7% unemployment rate registered during the third quarter of 2013 had a 45% of the unemployed who had been seeking work for at least 12 months.
During the third quarter last year, Labour force survey estimates indicated an increase of 3% in employment when compared to the corresponding quarter of 2012. However, the rate of unemployment for the same period stood at 6.7%, with the largest share of unemployed persons was recorded among persons aged 25 and over.
Among the unemployed, 45% stated they had been seeking work for at least 12 months.
The National Statistics Office also found that the average gross annual salary of employees for the third quarter last year was estimated at €15,772.
The €15,722 figure excluded extra payments such as overtime, bonuses and allowances.
Average annual salaries varied from €25,302 among managers to €10,923 among elementary staff.
The Labour Force Survey estimates indicated that during the third quarter last year total employment stood at 179,476, accounting for almost half the population aged 15 and over.
Unemployed persons stood at 12,827 (4 per cent) while inactive persons totaled 168,429 (47 per cent).
The activity rate for the quarter under review was estimated at 66%. When compared to the previous year, the activity rate among women increased by 3 percentage points, while the male activity rate rose by 1 percentage point.
The highest activity rate was recorded among persons aged 25-54 (78%).
Out of every 100 persons aged 15 to 64, 61 were employed. The rate increased by 2 percentage points compared to the corresponding quarter in 2012.
The highest employment rate was recorded among persons aged between 25 and 54, at 74 per cent.
Employed men were mostly engaged in wholesale and retail trade, transportation and storage, accommodation and food service activities (32 per cent). On the other hand, employed women were mostly engaged (38 per cent) in Public administration, defence, education, human health and social work activities.
Self-employed persons accounted for 14 per cent of the total employed population. The majority of the employed worked on a full-time basis and totalled 151,526.
An estimated 23,065 (13 per cent) had a part-time job as their primary employment.
A further 4,885 were working on a full-time with reduced hours basis.