‘Government cannot ignore rising unemployment’ – PN

Opposition says 23% increase in people who have been registering for work for over 12 months, shows worrying trend

Joseph Muscat's youth guarantee was one of his election campaign's main proposals
Joseph Muscat's youth guarantee was one of his election campaign's main proposals

The Nationalist Party has accused Prime Minister Joseph Muscat of ignoring a rising trend of unemployment in the country.

The PN said in a statement that latest data from the National Statistics Office showed a worrying 23% increase in people who have been registering for work for over 12 months.

The PN said the main findings showed an increase of 600 (9%) registering for work, and a 2.2% increase in Gozitan unemployment, 5% increase in unemployed aged 20-24, and 9% increase for both cohorts aged 25-29 and over-45.

The NSO today said the number of registered unemployed with the Employment and Training Corporation amounted to 7,401 in December 2013, down by 238 from the previous month.

The NSO also said that between March and December 2013, the number of registered unemployed had remained stable while between December 2012 and March 2013 the number rose from 6,811 to 7,350.

According to the Labour Force Survey, 5,300 new job places were recorded last year, the majority of which were in full-time employment.

In its statement, the PN said the government had to address the challenge of investment and unemployment, by identifying the factors contributing to the rise in joblessness.

"These problems are not small, and government must sit at the table with factory and company owners that are downsizing and reach an agreement with them to encourage more investment," the PN said.

"The government must submit an urgent plan on its youth guarantee pledge to the European Commission," the PN said referring to Joseph Muscat's plan to have teenagers pursue training, education or be in employment after 16 years of age.

"Malta is one of the 11 member states that does not have a plan in the sector, and the European Commission has warned the country about leaving youths without help in furthering their prospects. It is inconceivable that the Labour government, whose youth guarantee was a main electoral pillar, drags its feet on this plan."

Jidher li it tixwix ta Simon mhux qed jahdem . Aqraw l-ahhar statiska , ghalmenu dawk li ma ghandhomx ghamad ma ghajnejhom !
bla bla bla xmun busullotti biddila kultant id disca u fuq kollhox meta kona fil campagnia elettorali (fejn kont idahhaq il poplu kollhu bilhaqq bil pulcinellati li tohrog bijhom ) ma kontx tghidilna li jhekk jitla il PL fi zmien 6 xhur nitolbu ghal bail out mil EU ? altru min hekk immma l-ekonomiji zdietet b aktar b 1.5 percent flahhar sena,it turizmu sploda u hafna negozji diga hadu ir ruh .PS issa ibqa iprova fixkel u itradixxi il pajjizek kif qed tghamel biex tiprova tgerrex l-investiment U TA DAN IL POPLU SE JHALLSEK BIL KBIR KUMMIDJANT !
Can't you read you bunch of sour grapes that unemployment has gone down by 238 over the last month? PL is reversing the trend.