Shipyards owner Palumbo officially takes over superyacht facility

The concession agreement for the Malta Super Yacht Yard Facility was signed today between the government and Palumbo Malta Superyachts Limited.

This Concession is for 30 years and the global amount to be paid by Palumbo reaches €29.4 million.

This is made up of a purchase agreement of €7.5 million and rentals of €500,000 revisable by 15% every five years during the duration of the concession period.  On a net present value basis these funds amount to €14.4million when discounted at 9% per annum.

Through this agreement, Palumbo will be committing itself to an investment in the yard of a minimum of €3.6million during the first five years.

Tendering commenced on 10 July 2010 but the process was stopped in late November after Palumbo and the Manoel Island Yacht Yard consortium presented a joint-bid.

By the closing date for the submission of offers on 2 December 2010 two bids were received. Palumbo’s offer was the highest and on 16 December was declared preferred bidder. Negotiations were successfully concluded on 14March 2011.

What about us in Cottonera, are we alone now to suffer the side-effects of the Palumbo operations? One expects the Mayors and local councils to look after our interests too.
So until now they were doing voluntary work?