SIS Ltd invests €4,000,000 in smart technology
Solutions and Infrastructure Services Ltd (SIS), a joint venture between property developers Midi plc and technology giant Siemens SpA, has made a direct investment of €4,000,000 in a state-of-the-art heating and cooling energy production plant that provides smart energy to the re-development project of Tigné Point and Manoel Island.
The plant was inaugurated by Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi, in the presence of dignitaries, professional bodies, academia and employees.
The environmentally-sound and energy-efficient climate control system supplies heating and cooling to 25,000 square metres of retail space and 250 homes.
It will also cater for 20,000 square metres of office and commercial space that is currently under construction at Tigné Point.
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that this new investment confirms that industry is embracing Government’s vision. He added that energy remains a national priority and Government is investing heavily in the sector through a multi-pillared strategy.
Gonzi added that Government is not only investing to secure a cleaner energy supply by increasing generating capacity but also by increasing take-up of renewable and energy efficiency technologies.
This investment, he added, confirms that industry is responding to this vision and this in itself constitutes the growth of the green economy in Malta.
Dr Alec Mizzi, Chairman of SIS thanked investors Siemens and Midi for their strategic vision and continuous support. “This is a new business concept for Malta and SIS will become the benchmark for technological innovation and comprehensive solutions. Our mission and scope of business is that of high-end technological solutions and services.
Having gained a solid, diversified experience within the Midi development the shareholders believe that SIS is now in a position to participate in major projects external to Tigne’ Point.
Our strengths include technical and project management expertise but above all a very strong work ethic which is reflected in the quality of service and the timeliness of delivery. The results to date are very encouraging and auger well for the future.”
Dott. Ing. Franco Filippi, Director, Siemens, said “At the core of the design lies reliability, scalability, low carbon footprint and the optimization of energy use. The project is a first for Malta because it is supplying different types of end users on a large scale, including residential, retail and commercial”.
SIS Ltd combines the expertise of technology giant Siemens and of the strongly established Midi consortium. SIS’s extensive portfolio of services include building technologies, ICT services, telephony, a state of the art control and operation centre manned 24/7, facility management services, car parking automation and the operation of the cooling and heating energy production plant .