GRTU hails eco-contribution exemptions

The Malta Chamber of Small and Meduim Enterprises, GRTU, is considering 4 August 2010 as a red letter day for  producers of  packaging waste.

Today the Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs has issued the related application for exemption from eco-contributions.

GRTU has since the introduction of the eco-contribution insisted with government that the law as drafted and implemented was discriminatory as it arbitrarily selected a number of enterprises and made the products they commercialise subject to the eco-tax.

“Notwithstanding this, GRTU has strongly worked throughout the last years to build a more corporate responsability approach by its members in order for these members to be able to take up their responsabilities in respect to the environmental obligations of Waste Packaging and also Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment,” the GRTU said.

While committing itself to manage a waste compliance scheme on behalf of its members, GRTU over these last years spearheaded the business community’s discussions with government  so that the legal framework is put in place for producers.

GRTU set up its fully owned subsidiary not-for-profit enterprise Green Mt, which today operates in 41 councils: during July to Dec 2009, the scheme recovered 3,362 tons of packaging waste and during the first six months of 2010 the figure recovered was 6,190 tons.

“Today’s publication of the Application for Exemption from Eco Contribution is a fundamental step in the right direction by Government for Producers ofWaste Packaging. GRTU  is very grateful to all those who have helped  to make bring about this important breakthrough in positive fiscal mechanisms for enterprise, a principle close to heart for the GRTU leadership,” the GRTU said.