Farsons Foundation and University of Malta launch Industrial Heritage publication
A collection of researched contributions relating to aspects of Malta’s industrial past has been published as a book entitled Approaches to Industrial Heritage: What works? The papers were presented and discussed during a conference held in February last year at Simonds Farsons Cisk Brewery.
Considered as the first initiative in Malta to tackle this complex subject in an open forum, Approaches to Industrial Heritage: What works? was jointly launched by the Farsons Foundation Chairman Mr Bryan A. Gera and the Pro-Rector of the University of Malta Prof Joe Friggieri, in the presence of the Parliamentary Secretary for Local Government and Culture Dr José A. Herrera and Simonds Farsons Cisk Chairman Mr Louis A. Farrugia.
On 1st February 2013, The Farsons Foundation in collaboration with the University's Department of the Built Heritage within the Faculty for the Built Environment, hosted a one-day conference focusing on the diverse approaches which could guide the preservation and presentation of industrial heritage in Malta, and more particularly that held by Simonds Farsons Cisk plc.
The Foundation Chairman Bryan A. Gera said: "One of The Farsons Foundation's objectives is to contribute, preserve, maintain and make better known Malta's Heritage. Last year's conference on Industrial Heritage and this new publication fall right within the Foundation's mission. We augur that they serve to stimulate further appreciation, research and developments on Malta's industrial heritage."
Co-edited by Professor JoAnn Cassar and Dr Reuben Grima from the Faculty for the Built Environment at the University of Malta, the publication features 15 contributions. These have been penned by Mr Timothy Ambrose, Dr Ing. John C. Betts, Professor JoAnn Cassar, The Hon. Dr Mario de Marco, Mr Louis A Farrugia, Mr Michael Farrugia, Mr Bryan A Gera, Professor Robert Ghirlando, Dr Reuben Grima, The Hon. Dr José A Herrera, Mr James Licari, Mr Joseph Magro Conti, Mr Ray Polidano, Professor Alex Torpiano, and Mr Godwin Vella.
University of Malta Pro-Rector Prof Joe Friggieri said: "This publication focuses on an important aspect of our culture. It shows why the industrial heritage matters to us and why we should invest in its preservation."
Mr Louis A Farrugia stated that the professional contribution of the panel members and participants contributed to make last year's conference a success. "Following the positive feedback received, we pursued the idea of drawing on the workings of the conference and recording them in a publication. From a uniquely novel conference that we organised last February, we are today marking another milestone in the history of Simonds Farsons Cisk plc with this new publication. As a company we want to preserve and treasure our heritage and most importantly share it with the community."
The Hon. Dr José A Herrera said: "The Government cannot be the sole operator of the vast quantities of cultural heritage material that exists in Malta. The conference and publication about industrial heritage are a step in the right direction. Through its agencies and legislative powers, the Government has to be one of the main instigators to set the framework, however government needs the help of the private sector, working hand in hand to create best practices and to give direction."
The publication is available on request through an email to [email protected] against a donation of EUR 7.