Foreign investment in June down by €552 million compared to 2012
The stock position of Foreign Direct Investment in Malta as at the end of June 2013 stood at €11.4 billion, while Direct Investment abroad amounted to €1.1 billion.
As at June 2013, foreign direct investment in Malta was estimated at €11.4 billion, with 79.1 per cent originating from financial and insurance activities. This amounts to a decrease of €552.1 million over the corresponding month in 2012.
Geographically, the EU was the largest contributor to Malta's inward foreign direct investment, with €8.4 billion, or 73.2 per cent of total FDI.
The biggest decrease of inward FDI was from Germany, at €111 million.
FDI flows for the first six months last year were estimated at €0.5 million, whereas the corresponding period in 2012 showed a decrease of €130.0 million. The positive flows last year were mainly the result of increases in equity capital and decreases in receivables from direct investors.
During the first six months of 2013, direct investment abroad decreased by €14.0 million, compared to an increase of €16.8 million during the corresponding period of the previous year. This was mainly the result of a decrease of €8.0 million in equity capital and of an increase in payables to direct investors of €10.8 million.
In terms of stock positions, in June 2013 direct investment abroad by resident enterprises was estimated at €1.1 billion, of which €572.7 million were invested in the EU. As in previous years, direct investment abroad was predominantly in financial and insurance activities, accounting for 49.2 per cent of total stock as at end June 2013.