Virtu Ferries file judicial protest against ‘biased’ Chamber of Commerce
Company which operates Malta-Sicily catamaran service denies allegations made by Chamber of Commerce in May

Virtu Ferries filed a judicial protest in the civil court against the Malta Chamber of Commerce, claiming that the latter made several unfounded allegations in a presentation given to the Parliamentary committee for financial and economic affairs. The presentation was given in early May and revolved around the monitoring of the market and importation.
Virtu Ferries are claiming that the stakeholder chosen to represent the chamber of commerce was also the only competitor of the company, alleging he made unfounded claims which harmed the company’s reputation.
The Chamber of Commerce had stressed the need to have a more effective market surveillance and the necessary action taken to deter unfair competition, making specific reference to Sicilians who abused of import regulations.
In its judicial protest, Virtu Ferries reminded that the chamber’s proposal to increase bureaucratic procedures infringe the Single Market legislation of the European Union.
“The decision to label some businessmen as ‘illicit traders’ just because they are making use of the free market shows the arrogance of the chamber of commerce, and the measures it is ready to adopt just to safeguard some of its own members,” the company said.
It expressed its dissatisfaction at not being consulted by the chamber prior to the meeting despite forming part of the same organisation.
“It is also unacceptable that the chamber made unfounded allegations without trying to verify the facts or substantiate what it said. On the other hand, it misinformed on purpose a parliamentary committee of our highest democratic institution.”
It underlined the company was an authorised regular shipping service and always cooperated with the authorities.
“We do not approve fiscal evasion or illegal importation practices and thus we cannot accept to be depicted as an illegal service provider. If the chamber has information about this we encourage it to report it to the relevant authorities,” the company said.